Victor King Video

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Logo descriptions by videomaster13, ThatRandomOshawott
Logo captures by ThatRandomOshawott
Editions by
Video captures courtesy of Fabeza

1st Logo
Victor King Video (c. 1980's)<iframe align="bottom" frameborder="0" height="278" src="" width="491"></iframe>

Logo: On a black background, the outline of the "V" in the logo shoots upwards from the bottom of the screen and stops near the top, leaving a rainbow trail behind it. The outline rotates so that the real "V", colored grey, is visible behind it and both the outline and the logo are facing the viewer. The outline retreats back into the logo, and the logo zooms up to the screen. The logo shines with a red glow. As it is shining, the words "Victor King Video" in grey (with numerous lines through them) come in from the bottom left and bottom right corner. The two versions of the word combine below the logo to form one red (with grey gradient) "Victor King Video". After a few seconds, the logo stops shining, and the logo fades out.

FX/SFX: The logo outline coming up with a rainbow trail behind it, the logo and the logo outline rotating, the logo zooming up, the logo shining, the words coming in and combining, the logo fading out. Pretty cool animation for its time!

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Rare. Can be seen on tapes of Superbook; despite the fact that this logo is so old and the fact that Victor King Video only ever distributed the tapes for a short time before Tyndale was given the rights, this logo is very easy to find because they don't replace it at all on the old tapes.

Editor's Note: None.