YES Network

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Background: The YES Network (Yankees Entertainment and Sports) is a regional sports network in the New York area. It was created in March 2002 by YankeeNets (who were then, the parent company of the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball, and the New Jersey Nets of the National Basketball Association.) The YES Network was created because the Yankees deal with Cablevision, and the MSG Network expired after the 2001 season. Despite the Nets being part of the creation, their games weren't shown on YES until the start of the 2002-03 NBA season. The Nets games used to be broadcasted by FOX Sports Net New York (Now MSG+), which is another RSN owned and operated by Cablevision. To this day, they broadcast both the Yankees and Nets (with the channel adding New York City Football Club MLS games, a team they partly own with United Arab Emirates-owned soccer team, Manchester City Football Club.). YankeeNets (now Yankee Global Enterprises) sold 49% of the Network to FOX, who would eventually get 80% control.

1st Logo

Logo: Just the YES Network logo from 2002-2005, which has a bold "YES" and "Network" below the frieze from Yankee Stadium is surrounded by blue stadium lights on a black background.

FX/SFX: The entire logo; beautiful CGI with enough accuracy.

Music/Sounds: The YES Network theme, with a voiceover of Bob Sheppard, long time PA Announcer of the New York Yankees saying "Ladies and Gentlemen, you are watching the YES Network, the home of champions!".

Availability: Can still be seen on Yankeeography episodes from 2002-2004.

Editor's Note: None; this is a favorite amongst Yankees fans.

2nd Logo

Logo: Just the camera panning through the current YES Network logo, before the logo zooms back to show that it is "YES" in a blue and silver rectangle on a blue background.

Variant: The same thing, except now everything is red. Seen before and after Nets related shows. When the Nets moved to Brooklyn, New York, everything red turned to black to match the Nets' color scheme.

FX/SFX: Not much FX, except the logo design.

Music/Sounds: Same as logo 1.

Availability: Current.

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo
(2005- )

Logo: The same logo from the 2nd ID is hiding behind the frieze, then the YES Network logo zooms in to us, with the Yankee Stadium frieze zooming in.

FX/SFX: The logo, and the blue frieze.

Music/Sounds: Same as the first two logos.

Availability: Seen before New York Yankees games of the era.

Editor's Note: None.

4th logo

Logo: Stadium lights and panels. More info coming soon

Music/Sounds: Same music, but now the late Bob Sheppard says "Your attention please, Ladies & Gentlemen, you are watching YES: The Yankees Entertainment and Sportsnetwork."

Availability: Seen before YES original programming, including Yankees game telecasts.

Editor's Note: None.