Zombastic Productions Inc.

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(2001, 2007)
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Nickname: "The Most Cheapest Scary Logo of All Time"

Logo: On a stock space background, a skull with eyes turns around in a jittery manner until it stares at us. When it's done, the screen quickly fades to black and cuts back to normal. A man's arm with a blue shirt and white glove holding a syringe full of what appears to be Pepto-Bismol appears and puts Pepto into the skull and it cuts to the skull screaming. It then cuts to a black background where "ZOMBASTIC" in green explodes into places. "productions, inc." in pink blurs into place as "ZOMBASTIC" shines. We cut back to the space background with the skull still there without the arm, with Pepto-Bismol dripping from it's mouth. The skull glows white and blurs and zooms into the screen. The screen flashes and fades out.

FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The name and skull blurring. This entire logo is cheaply done.

Music/Sounds: An outer space-like theme with beeps that ends with a horrifying synth drone. The skull is heard yelling "NOOOOO!".

Availability: This only appears on Die You Zombie Ba****ds!, and Red's Breakfast Experience.

Scare Factor: High to nightmare. The cheapness of the entire logo could lower it for some, but the creepy music, skull, and screams will scare most people. The subject matter for the movies the logo is associated with likely makes this intentional.