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C E L E B R A T I N G--T H I R T E E N--Y E A R S
The CLG Wiki salutes to all members of this website who continue to improve the wiki's ability to educate and inform readers about the wonderful world of logos! Your work means a lot!
Happy 125th Anniversary to:
Happy 70th Anniversary to:
Happy 65th Anniversary to:
Happy 55th Anniversary to:
Happy 50th Anniversary to:
Happy 45th Anniversary to:
Happy 35th Anniversary to:
Happy 30th Anniversary to:
Happy 25th Anniversary to:
Happy 20th Anniversary to:
Happy 15th Anniversary to:
Happy 10th Anniversary to:
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− | <div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Closing+Logos+Group+Wiki+Home+Page&version=3755&savePath=%2Fpage%2FClosing%2BLogos%2BGroup%2BWiki%2BHome%2BPage&saveType=page"><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"><font><font><font><div align="center"></div></font></font></font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"><font><font><font>________________________________________________________________________</font></font></font></div><div align="center"><font size="4"><font><font><font size="3"><br/></font></font></font></font></div><div align="center"> <font size="4"><b>[[CLG Wiki Television Section|Television]] | [[CLG Wiki Movie Section|Movies]] | [[CLG Wiki Home Entertainment Section|Home Entertainment]] </b><b>| [[CLG Wiki Cinema Section|Cinema]] | [[CLG Wiki Music Entertainment Section|Music Entertainment]]<br/>[[CLG Wiki Family and Animation Section|Family & Animation]] | [[CLG Wiki Education Section|Education]] | [[CLG Wiki On Demand Section|On Demand]] | [[CLG Wiki Video Games Section|Video Games]] | [[CLG Wiki Technology Section|Technology]]<br/>[[CLG Wiki Print Logos Section|Print Logos]]</b></font><font size="4"><b> | [[CLG Wiki Miscellaneous Section|Miscellaneous]]</b></font></div><div align="center"><font size="4">________________________________________________________________________</font><b><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#333333"><br/><br/></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></b></div><div align="center"><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-border1 WPC-edit-border-none WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23ebebeb&color2=%23c7c7c7" height="1045" width="100%" | + | <div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Closing+Logos+Group+Wiki+Home+Page&version=3755&savePath=%2Fpage%2FClosing%2BLogos%2BGroup%2BWiki%2BHome%2BPage&saveType=page"><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"><font><font><font><div align="center"></div></font></font></font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"><font><font><font>________________________________________________________________________</font></font></font></div><div align="center"><font size="4"><font><font><font size="3"><br/></font></font></font></font></div><div align="center"> <font size="4"><b>[[CLG Wiki Television Section|Television]] | [[CLG Wiki Movie Section|Movies]] | [[CLG Wiki Home Entertainment Section|Home Entertainment]] </b><b>| [[CLG Wiki Cinema Section|Cinema]] | [[CLG Wiki Music Entertainment Section|Music Entertainment]]<br/>[[CLG Wiki Family and Animation Section|Family & Animation]] | [[CLG Wiki Education Section|Education]] | [[CLG Wiki On Demand Section|On Demand]] | [[CLG Wiki Video Games Section|Video Games]] | [[CLG Wiki Technology Section|Technology]]<br/>[[CLG Wiki Print Logos Section|Print Logos]]</b></font><font size="4"><b> | [[CLG Wiki Miscellaneous Section|Miscellaneous]]</b></font></div><div align="center"><font size="4">________________________________________________________________________</font><b><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#00ff00"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#333333"><br/><br/></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></b></div><div align="center"><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-border1 WPC-edit-border-none WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23ebebeb&color2=%23c7c7c7" height="1045" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="WPC-edit-borderRight-solid2px WPC-edit-custom-borderRight WPC-edit-borderTop-solid WPC-edit-borderLeft-solid WPC-edit-borderBottom-solid" width="44%"> <div align="center"><br/><font size="3"><font><font color="#66ff00"><font><font color="#333333"><i><font color="#808080"><br/><font size="1">[[File:Lyfqbojfr64uxjfqto6s9a12809.jpeg|153px|Closing Logos Group Wiki Home Page]]</font><br/><br/><b>In 2009, we won the Judges' Choice for the Wetpaint Golden Paint Can Awards. We thank the Judges for voting for our wiki.<br/><br/></b><font size="1">[[File:4fec3f222568dff0e5bebd6b98e0a2c7.png|94px|WikiFoundry 2017 Golden Anvil Awards Nominee - Hobby Hounds]]</font><b><br/><br/>In 2017, we were nominated for the WikiFoundry Golden Anvil Awards.<br/><br/></b><b>...IT ALL STARTED THIRTEEN YEARS AGO WHEN THIS WEBSITE WAS CREATED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO "KRS LOGOS" ON CLOSING LOGO DESCRIPTIONS;<br/>WE'RE NOW A REFERENCE IN HISTORY OF CLOSING LOGOS AND A MAIN POWER OF TELEVISION AND CINEMA LOGO PRESERVATION...</b><br/><br/><b><br/></b></font></i></font></font></font></font></font></div><div align="center"> </div></td> <td class="WPC-edit-borderLeft-solid2px WPC-edit-custom-borderLeft WPC-edit-borderTop-solid WPC-edit-borderBottom-solid WPC-edit-borderRight-solid" width="56%"><br/> <div align="center"> <font size="3">Welcome to the <i>Closing Logo Group's <b><font color="#ff0000">C</font><font color="#00ff00">L</font><font color="#0000ff">G</font> Wiki!</b></i> This is no ordinary wiki; this is the wiki from the original logo authority that discusses all closing logos you see on TV, from the <font color="#333333">[[Viacom (CBS)|Viacom]]</font> "V of Doom" to the [[Screen Gems Television|Screen Gems]] "S from Hell". And that's not all; we're also including home entertainment logos, video game logos, and much, much more as well! So sit back and relax as we take you through the wonderful world of closing logos. Enjoy!<br/><br/> </font><div align="center"> <div align="right"><font size="3"><font color="#808080"><font face="Helvetica"><i>-</i></font></font><b><font color="#808080"><font face="Helvetica"><i><font color="#ff0000">C</font><font color="#00ff00">L</font><font color="#0000ff">G</font></i></font></font><font color="#808080"><font face="Helvetica"><i> Wiki Team<br/></i></font></font></b></font></div><font color="#808080"><font face="Helvetica"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></font></font><div> </div></div></div> <div align="center"><font size="5">[[File:1ca2e9c7ff696139eb9debfb02af57fa.png|257px|CLG Wiki Navigation Buttons (10th Anniversary) | Tutorial Guide|link=CLG Wiki Tutorial Guide]]<br/><br/>[[File:43dd00ff7e31e62dcbfe146108061f99.png|252px|CLG Wiki Navigation Buttons (10th Anniversary) | Rules|link=CLG Wiki Rules]]<br/><br/><font color="#333333">[[File:826d79713e0a95f5a68527c380cb72a9.png|256px|CLG Wiki Navigation Buttons (10th Anniversary) | Logos to be Described|link=Logos to be Described]]<br/></font></font></div><div align="center"><font size="5"><font color="#333333"> <br/>[[discord.gg/fJAkvRm|Join The CLG Wiki ]]<b>[[discord.gg/fJAkvRm|Discord Server!]]<br/></b><font size="2">(<font color="#ff0000">C</font><font color="#00ff00">L</font><font color="#0000ff">G</font> membership not required but must be 13+)</font><br/></font></font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div></td></tr></table></div><div align="center"><b><br/><font size="6">C E L E B R A T I N G</font><font size="6"><font color="#ffffff">-</font><font color="#ffffff">-</font>T H I R T E E N<font color="#ffffff">--</font>Y E A R S</font><br/>THANK YOU EVERYBODY WHO DISTINGUISHED AND CONTRIBUTED TO THIS SITE AND LOVE <br/>THE TRUE ART OF LOGOS ON CINEMA, HOME VIDEO, AND TELEVISION.<br/></b><font size="3"><b>_____________________________________________________________________</b></font><br/><b><br/>The <font face="Arial">CLG</font> Wiki salutes to all members of this website who continue to improve the wiki's ability to educate and inform readers about the wonderful world of logos! Your work means a lot!</b></div><div align="center"><b>________________________________________________________________________</b><font><font><font><font><font><font><br/><br/></font></font></font></font></font></font><font size="3"><b>The </b><font face="Arial"><b><font color="#ff0000">C</font><font color="#00ff00">L</font><font color="#0000ff">G</font></b></font></font><font size="3"><b> Wiki Remembers:</b></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><b>Troy Sneed</b> (1967-2020) Pastor, gospel singer, songwriter, and recording artist, who was co-founder of Emtro Gospel with his wife Emily Sneed<br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><b>Saul Turteltaub </b>(1932-2020) - American producer and writer most notable for co-writing and co-producing <i>Sanford and Son</i> (seasons 4-6), <i>Grady</i>, <i>The Sanford Arms</i>, <i>What's Happening!!</i>, <i>Carter Country</i>, <i>13 Queens Boulevard</i> (all with Bernie Orenstein), co-founder of TOY Productions with Orenstein and Bud Yorkin, producing <i>Kate & Alley</i>, <i>Baby Talk</i>, and more.</font></div><div align="center"><b>________________________________________________________________________</b></div><div align="center"><br/><div align="center"><font size="3"><b>The </b></font><font size="3"><font color="#333333" face="Arial"><b><font color="#ff0000">C</font><font color="#00ff00">L</font><font color="#0000ff">G</font></b></font></font><font size="3"><b> Wiki honors these U.S & International entertainment milestones:</b></font></div><div align="center"><b><font size="3"><br/></font></b></div><b><font size="3">Happy 125th Anniversary to:</font></b></div><div align="center"><font size="3">Gaumont Film Company</font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><b>Happy 90th Anniversary to:</b></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>Looney Tunes</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div align="center"><b><font size="3">Happy 85th Anniversary to:</font></b></div><div align="center"><font size="3">20th Century Studios</font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><b>Happy 80th Anniversary to:</b><br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>Pinocchio, Fantasia, Tom and Jerry, </i>Bugs Bunny (character)<i>, </i>and<i> Woody Woodpecker</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 70th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>Beat the Clock, What's My Line?, The Jack Benny Program, The Cisco Kid, You Bet Your Life, Your Show of Shows, </i>and<i> Peanuts</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 65th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>Gunsmoke, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Honeymooners,</i><i> </i>and Warner Bros. Television</font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><b>Happy 60th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>The Andy Griffith Show, The Flintstones, Psycho, My Three Sons, Route 66, The Bugs Bunny Show, </i>and<i> Coronation Street</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 55th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>I Dream of Jeannie, Days of Our Lives, Get Smart, The Dating Game, Lost in Space, The Wild, Wild West, The F.B.I., F-Troop, Gidget, The Big Valley, Green Acres, Hogan's Heroes, I Spy, Supermarket Sweep </i>(1960s series)<i>, Thunderbirds, </i>and<i> A Charlie Brown Christmas</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 50th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>The Odd Couple</i>,<i>The Flip Wilson Show</i>,<i> Mary Tyler Moore</i>,<i> All My Children</i>,<i> McCloud</i>,<i> Monday Night Football</i>,<i> Josie and the Pus</i>sycatst, <i>M*A*S*H</i> (film), <i>Airport</i> (film), and <i>NBC Nightly News</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 45th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>The Jeffersons, One Day at a Time (1975), Wheel of Fortune, Welcome Back Kotter, Barney Miller, Ryan's Hope, Wonder Woman, S.W.A.T., Starsky and Hutch, Good Morning America, Saturday Night Live, Jaws, </i>and<i> </i><i>PBS NewsHour</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div align="center"><b><font size="3">Happy 40th Anniversary to:</font></b></div><div align="center"><font size="3">Black Entertainment Television<i>, Magnum, P.I.</i>,<i> Bosom Buddies</i>,<i> America's Top 10</i>,<i> Solid Gold</i>,<i> Blockbusters</i> (1980 U.S. version),<i> Airplane!, 9 to 5</i>,<i> </i><i>Caddyshack</i>,<i> Fame </i>(film),<i> </i><i>Friday the 13th </i>(film),<i> The Blues Brothers</i>, <i>and Cosmos: A Personal Voyage</i><br/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 35th Anniversary to:</b></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>227, Growing Pains, The Golden Girls, Amazing Stories, The Berenstain Bears </i>(1985 series)<i>, Back to the Future, Commando (film), Adventures of the Gummi Bears, CBS Storybreak</i><i>, MacGyver, The Equalizer, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, ThunderCats, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Larry King Live, M.A.S.K., Moonlighting, The Breakfast Club, National Geographic Explorer, Neighbours</i><i>, Weird Science, </i><i>Teen Wolf </i>(film)<i>, WWF </i>(now WWE)<i> Saturday Night Main Event, Super Mario Bros.</i> (video game)<i>, The Goonies, </i>and<i> The $100,000 Pyramid</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 30th Anniversary to:</b></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>TaleSpin, Wings, Law and Order, Tiny Toon Adventures, Parker Lewis, Bobby's World, Tom and Jerry Kids, Dream On, Captain Planet, Total Recall, Goodfellas</i>,<i> Beverly Hills 90210, Ghost, Home Alone, Dances with Wolves, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, In Living Color, Northern Exposure, Evening Shade, NBA on NBC </i>(2nd run)<i>, Supermarket Sweep</i> (2nd version)<i>, </i>and<i> Twin Peaks</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 25th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>The Drew Carey Show, Freakazoid!, Cybill, The Late Late Show, Kids Say the Darndest Things, </i>The WB<i>,</i> UPN<i>,</i> <i>The Wayans Bros., The Parent 'Hood, WCW Monday Nitro, Xena: Warrior Princess, Pinky and the Brain, Toy Story, Billy Madison, The Jeff Foxworthy Show, Timon and Pumbaa, The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries, Star Trek: Voyager, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, NewsRadio, The Cartoon Cartoon Show </i>(formerly<i> What a Cartoon! </i>and <i>World Premiere Toons</i>)<i>, </i>and<i> Braveheart</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 20th Anniversary to:</b></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>Malcolm in the Middle, Survivor</i> (U.S.)<i>, As Told by Ginger, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Clifford the Big Red Dog</i> (animated series)<i>, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Double Dare 2000, Jackie Chan Adventures, Jackass, Gilmore Girls, Soul Food: The Series, The Weekenders, Dark Angel, Max Steel, X-Men </i>(2000 film)<i>, </i>and<i> X-Men Evolution</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/><b>Happy 15th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>Deal or No Deal </i>(U.S.)<i>, Robot Chicken, My Name is Earl, Prison Break, Criminal Minds, The Office </i>(U.S.)<i>, American Dad!, Cash Cab </i>(U.S.)<i>, Ben 10, The Boondocks, Dancing with the Stars, Everybody Hates Chris, Grey's Anatomy, Hell's Kitchen </i>(U.S.)<i>, How I Met Your Mother, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,</i>YouTube<i>, Supernatural, </i>and<i> Ghost Whisperer</i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><b><br/>Happy 10th Anniversary to:</b><i><br/></i></font></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><i>Adventure Time</i>, <i>Pretty Little Liars</i>, <i>Hawaii Five-0 </i>(2010 reboot), <i>Conan</i>, <i>How to Train Your Dragon</i>, <i>Despicable Me, Regular Show, </i>and<i> My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic</i></font></div><div align="center"><div align="center"><font size="3"><i><font size="3">________________________________________________________________________ </font></i></font></div></div><div align="center"><font size="3"><br/></font></div> <div align="center"><font size="6">[[About Us and What We Do|The Closing Logo Group]]</font></div> <div align="center"><i><font><font size="3">The entertainment logo authority since 1999</font><br/></font></i>[[File:B03ed082a9b5735c01711e1ae5922ad6.png|260px|Closing Logos Group Wiki Home Page - CLG Wiki]]</div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <font size="2"><b>CLG Wiki site created by Silversword55, designed by Newave</b> </font><div align="center"> <b><font size="2">CLG Wiki Header Pictures created in collaboration with several CLG members</font></b><b><font size="2"><br/></font></b></div> <br/><b><font face="Garamond" size="2">Th</font><font face="Garamond" size="2">e<font color="#000000"> </font></font><font face="Garamond" size="2">Closing Logo Group, CLG, and other related indicia are properties of Worldwide Brotherhood Corporation.</font></b><div align="center"> <font face="Garamond" size="2"><b>All logos described and photographed are exclusive properties of their respective owners.</b></font></div> <div align="center"> <font face="Garamond" size="2"><b>The use of these logos to inform puts the copyrighted material on this site under fair use.</b></font></div></div><br/></div> |
Latest revision as of 16:14, 13 February 2021
Television | Movies | Home Entertainment | Cinema | Music Entertainment
Family & Animation | Education | On Demand | Video Games | Technology
Print Logos | Miscellaneous
Family & Animation | Education | On Demand | Video Games | Technology
Print Logos | Miscellaneous
Closing Logos Group Wiki Home Page In 2009, we won the Judges' Choice for the Wetpaint Golden Paint Can Awards. We thank the Judges for voting for our wiki. ![]() In 2017, we were nominated for the WikiFoundry Golden Anvil Awards. ...IT ALL STARTED THIRTEEN YEARS AGO WHEN THIS WEBSITE WAS CREATED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO "KRS LOGOS" ON CLOSING LOGO DESCRIPTIONS; WE'RE NOW A REFERENCE IN HISTORY OF CLOSING LOGOS AND A MAIN POWER OF TELEVISION AND CINEMA LOGO PRESERVATION... | Welcome to the Closing Logo Group's CLG Wiki! This is no ordinary wiki; this is the wiki from the original logo authority that discusses all closing logos you see on TV, from the Viacom "V of Doom" to the Screen Gems "S from Hell". And that's not all; we're also including home entertainment logos, video game logos, and much, much more as well! So sit back and relax as we take you through the wonderful world of closing logos. Enjoy! -CLG Wiki Team |
C E L E B R A T I N G--T H I R T E E N--Y E A R S
The CLG Wiki salutes to all members of this website who continue to improve the wiki's ability to educate and inform readers about the wonderful world of logos! Your work means a lot!
The CLG Wiki Remembers:
The CLG Wiki Remembers:
Troy Sneed (1967-2020) Pastor, gospel singer, songwriter, and recording artist, who was co-founder of Emtro Gospel with his wife Emily Sneed
Saul Turteltaub (1932-2020) - American producer and writer most notable for co-writing and co-producing Sanford and Son (seasons 4-6), Grady, The Sanford Arms, What's Happening!!, Carter Country, 13 Queens Boulevard (all with Bernie Orenstein), co-founder of TOY Productions with Orenstein and Bud Yorkin, producing Kate & Alley, Baby Talk, and more.
The CLG Wiki honors these U.S & International entertainment milestones:
Gaumont Film Company
Happy 90th Anniversary to:
Looney Tunes
Happy 85th Anniversary to:
20th Century Studios
Happy 80th Anniversary to:
Pinocchio, Fantasia, Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny (character), and Woody Woodpecker
Happy 70th Anniversary to:
Beat the Clock, What's My Line?, The Jack Benny Program, The Cisco Kid, You Bet Your Life, Your Show of Shows, and Peanuts
Happy 65th Anniversary to:
Gunsmoke, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Honeymooners, and Warner Bros. Television
Happy 60th Anniversary to:
The Andy Griffith Show, The Flintstones, Psycho, My Three Sons, Route 66, The Bugs Bunny Show, and Coronation Street
Happy 55th Anniversary to:
I Dream of Jeannie, Days of Our Lives, Get Smart, The Dating Game, Lost in Space, The Wild, Wild West, The F.B.I., F-Troop, Gidget, The Big Valley, Green Acres, Hogan's Heroes, I Spy, Supermarket Sweep (1960s series), Thunderbirds, and A Charlie Brown Christmas
Happy 50th Anniversary to:
The Odd Couple,The Flip Wilson Show, Mary Tyler Moore, All My Children, McCloud, Monday Night Football, Josie and the Pussycatst, M*A*S*H (film), Airport (film), and NBC Nightly News
Happy 45th Anniversary to:
The Jeffersons, One Day at a Time (1975), Wheel of Fortune, Welcome Back Kotter, Barney Miller, Ryan's Hope, Wonder Woman, S.W.A.T., Starsky and Hutch, Good Morning America, Saturday Night Live, Jaws, and PBS NewsHour
Happy 40th Anniversary to:
Black Entertainment Television, Magnum, P.I., Bosom Buddies, America's Top 10, Solid Gold, Blockbusters (1980 U.S. version), Airplane!, 9 to 5, Caddyshack, Fame (film), Friday the 13th (film), The Blues Brothers, and Cosmos: A Personal Voyage
Happy 35th Anniversary to:
227, Growing Pains, The Golden Girls, Amazing Stories, The Berenstain Bears (1985 series), Back to the Future, Commando (film), Adventures of the Gummi Bears, CBS Storybreak, MacGyver, The Equalizer, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, ThunderCats, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Larry King Live, M.A.S.K., Moonlighting, The Breakfast Club, National Geographic Explorer, Neighbours, Weird Science, Teen Wolf (film), WWF (now WWE) Saturday Night Main Event, Super Mario Bros. (video game), The Goonies, and The $100,000 Pyramid
Happy 30th Anniversary to:
TaleSpin, Wings, Law and Order, Tiny Toon Adventures, Parker Lewis, Bobby's World, Tom and Jerry Kids, Dream On, Captain Planet, Total Recall, Goodfellas, Beverly Hills 90210, Ghost, Home Alone, Dances with Wolves, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, In Living Color, Northern Exposure, Evening Shade, NBA on NBC (2nd run), Supermarket Sweep (2nd version), and Twin Peaks
Happy 25th Anniversary to:
The Drew Carey Show, Freakazoid!, Cybill, The Late Late Show, Kids Say the Darndest Things, The WB, UPN, The Wayans Bros., The Parent 'Hood, WCW Monday Nitro, Xena: Warrior Princess, Pinky and the Brain, Toy Story, Billy Madison, The Jeff Foxworthy Show, Timon and Pumbaa, The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries, Star Trek: Voyager, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, NewsRadio, The Cartoon Cartoon Show (formerly What a Cartoon! and World Premiere Toons), and Braveheart
Happy 20th Anniversary to:
Malcolm in the Middle, Survivor (U.S.), As Told by Ginger, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Clifford the Big Red Dog (animated series), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Double Dare 2000, Jackie Chan Adventures, Jackass, Gilmore Girls, Soul Food: The Series, The Weekenders, Dark Angel, Max Steel, X-Men (2000 film), and X-Men Evolution
Happy 15th Anniversary to:
Deal or No Deal (U.S.), Robot Chicken, My Name is Earl, Prison Break, Criminal Minds, The Office (U.S.), American Dad!, Cash Cab (U.S.), Ben 10, The Boondocks, Dancing with the Stars, Everybody Hates Chris, Grey's Anatomy, Hell's Kitchen (U.S.), How I Met Your Mother, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,YouTube, Supernatural, and Ghost Whisperer
Happy 10th Anniversary to:
Adventure Time, Pretty Little Liars, Hawaii Five-0 (2010 reboot), Conan, How to Train Your Dragon, Despicable Me, Regular Show, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
CLG Wiki site created by Silversword55, designed by Newave
The Closing Logo Group, CLG, and other related indicia are properties of Worldwide Brotherhood Corporation.
CLG Wiki Header Pictures created in collaboration with several CLG members
The Closing Logo Group, CLG, and other related indicia are properties of Worldwide Brotherhood Corporation.
All logos described and photographed are exclusive properties of their respective owners.
The use of these logos to inform puts the copyrighted material on this site under fair use.