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(Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Xbox&version=103&savePath=%2Fpage%2FXbox&saveType=page"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descripti...")
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<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Xbox&amp;version=103&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FXbox&amp;saveType=page"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by </font><font color="#000000">Mariofan88, BenIsRandom and GETENT</font></i><br/><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures and editions by</font> mr3urious and</i> <i>McDonald's1</i><br/><font color="#ffa500"><i>Videos captures courtesy of</i></font><font color="#ffa500"> </font><font><i>testdrive426, billywws2 and Sega Vega</i></font><br/><font><br/><br/><b>Xbox</b></font><br/><br/>(November 15, 2001-March 2, 2009)<br/> </font><div align="center"> <font size="3"><img align="bottom" alt="Xbox/Xbox 360 - CLG Wiki" height="251" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/HLtDZild65KSzZwc5n6qLA7358/GW344H251" title="Xbox/Xbox 360 - CLG Wiki" width="344"/><img align="bottom" alt="Xbox DVD Startup (2002)" height="236" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/a467u7Yff7LKIpjikBLWig4786/GW281H236" title="Xbox DVD Startup (2002)" width="281"/> <br/><iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/c1a3fc0be0efca11cd7d4fbb6b145ddc009a8825" width="297"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/8a1a587365c0c42d604ab0d78b789a8629f8ec23" width="297"></iframe> <iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/65b657b9d116b387519a22f779ec6792cbcb4147" width="297"></iframe><br/> </font><div> </div> <div> </div></div><font size="3"><u> <br/>Nicknames</u>:<br/></font><ul><li><font size="3"><u>Original version</u>: "The Green Blob", "The Lab", "Green X", "The Xbox X"</font></li><li><font size="3"><u>Alternate variant</u>: "Green Explosion of Doom"</font></li><li><font size="3"><u>Xbox Live variant</u>: "The Live Lab"<br/></font></li></ul><font size="3"><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: We see a green blob formed in a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> and black laboratory. It keeps moving and moving, but everything zooms out in </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> light and we see a large </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333">, pointy X. Below it is "XBOX", also in green. In a few seconds, the 1987-2012 Microsoft logo is seen on the bottom.</font><br/><br/><u>Variants</u><font color="#333333">:</font></font><div><ul><li><font size="3">An alternative version can be seen if an Xbox game is inserted into a DVD player (or any CD drive or gaming system that plays DVDs, like the PS2 for example). We see an exploding green flash with green dots and they all form a green bubble circle. It zooms in when we see bacteria-like things, and then green flash zooms in the Xbox logo without the "X". It shines and two lines make it black and turns green again, and in a few seconds, it explodes.</font></li><li><font size="3">On Dashboard version 4920, an animated logo will appear when "Xbox LIVE" is selected on the dashboard. It begins with a black background, and then an orange light shines brightly with several streaks. After this, a green neon hexagonal grid appears as the camera zooms out. Eventually, it zooms out enough to reveal the "X" logo along with the "XBOX" text. The camera pans and rotates until the XBOX logo is seen from the top, and center. During the camera motion, the light is revealed to be coming from the letter "I" in "LIVE", and the letters "L", "V", and "E" slide in from the sides and light up orange.The "I" continues to shine from the top.<br/></font></li><li><font size="3">A still version with a white background is seen when you play an Xbox game on an Xbox 360.</font></li><li><font size="3">When playing an Xbox game on an Xbox One, the Microsoft logo is removed, presumably because they changed their logo since then.</font></li></ul><font size="3"><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The blob and "X" being formed, which are all rendered in real-time. The alternative version also uses CGI with great results.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Some deep synth bass notes with thunderclaps, followed by a high-pitched synthesized tune. It was composed by Brian Schmidt, who is known for composing music for pinball and video games. The alternative version had a synthesized rock tune backed by cacophonies of an electric guitar, a synthesized EDM-esque riser, a repeating series of overly-saturated snippets of a man saying the name of the console, and an exploding sound with quiet beeps in the background at the end.</font><div><font size="3"><br/><u>Availability</u>: It still appears as the start-up on all models of the original Xbox console, which can be found for cheap on many auction sites or goodwill stores. Also appears in high definition when playing an Xbox game on an Xbox One. Ultra rare for the Xbox Live variant, since it only appears on consoles running the dashboard version "4920".<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3">________________________________________________________________  <br/><b><br/>Xbox 360</b><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(November 22, 2005-November 3, 2010)<br/></font><div align="center"> <img align="bottom" alt="Xbox 360 (4:3, no Microsoft bug)" height="186" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/51bd31d9dc2cf57d95e13ca26198f6c2/GW241H186" title="Xbox 360 (4:3, no Microsoft bug)" width="241"/><font size="3"><img align="bottom" alt="Xbox/Xbox 360 - CLG Wiki" height="185" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/x_MJfRnsWl_KsPhI_KPA_w8131/GW237H185" title="Xbox/Xbox 360 - CLG Wiki" width="237"/><embed height="187" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Xbox%2FXbox+360/widget/youtubevideo/-263865755" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="223" wmode="transparent"/><br/><br/></font><div> </div></div><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: "The X Sphere", "The Xbox Sphere"   </font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: We first see the top of a large sphere against a white BG in dim light. As the room begins to light up, the large, pointy </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> "X" lands on the right side of the sphere and shoots out a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> ripple. The sphere then rapidly zooms out with a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> aura and spins around clockwise so that the "X", which is deeply cut through the sphere, faces us. Another </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> ripple shoots out from the sphere, turning the BG </font><font color="#c8ebc3">pale green</font><font color="#333333"> and forming the words "XBOX 360" below, with "XBOX" in </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333">, "360" in </font><font color="#808080">gray</font><font color="#333333">, and the middle line of the "B" extending slightly out to the left. The sphere shines, and a small black Microsoft logo fades in below seconds after if you have a game in the tray and auto play is turned on.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The sphere and lighting effects. This logo was created by Imaginary Forces.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: A dreamy synth tune with a few whooshes as the sphere forms. It ends with a fading synth chord (from the XBOX 360 game commercials) when the words are formed below. It was composed by Audiobrain.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: Rare. Was seen as the start-up of the Xbox 360, before the late 2010 firmware update. Can be found on older systems running the old firmware. Some newer versions (including the slimline model) actually has this start-up when the system was booted for the first time.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u><font color="#333333">: None.</font><br/><br/><br/><br/><font color="#333333">2nd Logo</font><br/><font color="#333333">(November 4, 2010-April 20, 2016)</font><br/><div align="center"> <img align="bottom" alt="Xbox 360 Logo 2010" height="172" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/CCsDTcP417nQ6hsIZ0e9ug16490/GW313H172" title="Xbox 360 Logo 2010" width="313"/></div><u> <br/>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: "The X Sphere II", "The Xbox Sphere II" </font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: On a white background we see many lines in shades of </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> swirl and form a </font><font color="#808080">gray </font><font color="#333333">sphere. A thick </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> trail forms and flies around as the sphere zooms at us, then zooms to its natural position as the </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> trail flies into the middle of the sphere, forming the same </font><font color="#00ff00">green </font><font color="#333333">"X" as before. The words "XBOX 360" (in the same colors as before) zoom in as the "X" glows for a second.Like before, if there's a game in the tray and auto-play is turned on, the Microsoft logo appears below.</font></font><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variants</u>:</font></div><div><ul><li><font size="3">Starting with a software update released on June 10, 2013, the Xbox text is darker.</font></li></ul><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: All of the animation in this logo.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: We begin with a synth note similar to the last logo. Then we hear a few whooshes, and a higher pitched version of the last note.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: No longer current. It is still seen on all newer Xbox 360 systems from 2010 or later. But this is rarer, due to Microsoft stopping the production. However, it can be seen when playing an Xbox 360 game on an Xbox One.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u><font color="#333333">: None.</font><br/><br/><u>Final Note</u><font color="#333333">: After 10 years, Microsoft decided to stop the production of the Xbox 360.</font><br/><br/><font color="#333333">_________________________________________________________________</font><br/><br/><b>Xbox One<br/></b></font><font size="3"><font color="#333333">(November 22, 2013- )</font></font></div></div></div><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><div><div><div><font size="3"><br/></font> <img align="bottom" alt="Xbox One (2013)" height="168" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/90cdc52c1b3cbc3d59e7f84d91b84d02/GW290H168" title="Xbox One (2013)" width="290"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="165" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/bdee954b1fc6d79e974980fb6bf86034bc2eec33" width="292"></iframe></div></div></div></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote><div><div><div><font size="3"><u><br/></u></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Logo</u><u>:</u><font color="#333333"> On a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> background, we see the same X Sphere from the Xbox 360 logo (however the sphere is now white instead of </font><font color="#808080">gray</font><font color="#333333">) zooming out and rotating into place. "XBOX ONE" fades in.</font></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variant</u>: In 2017, the startup received a minor update. TBA for details.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><u>:</u><font color="#333333"> The sphere zooming out.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: The ending of the Xbox 360 startups, but low-pitched.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability:</u><font color="#333333"> This was seen at the end of the trailer showing off the Xbox One console. It was later used as the official startup for the console itself.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note:</u><font color="#333333"> None.</font><br/></font></div></div></div><br/></div>
<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Xbox&amp;version=103&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FXbox&amp;saveType=page"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by </font><font color="#000000">Mariofan88, BenIsRandom and GETENT</font></i><br/><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures and editions by</font> mr3urious and</i> <i>McDonald's1</i><br/><font color="#ffa500"><i>Videos captures courtesy of</i></font><font color="#ffa500"> </font><font><i>testdrive426, billywws2 and Sega Vega</i></font><br/><font><br/><br/><b>Xbox</b></font><br/><br/>(November 15, 2001-March 2, 2009)<br/> </font><div align="center"> <font size="3">[[File:HLtDZild65KSzZwc5n6qLA7358.jpeg|344px|Xbox/Xbox 360 - CLG Wiki]][[File:A467u7Yff7LKIpjikBLWig4786.jpeg|281px|Xbox DVD Startup (2002)]] <br/><iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/c1a3fc0be0efca11cd7d4fbb6b145ddc009a8825" width="297"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/8a1a587365c0c42d604ab0d78b789a8629f8ec23" width="297"></iframe> <iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/65b657b9d116b387519a22f779ec6792cbcb4147" width="297"></iframe><br/> </font><div> </div> <div> </div></div><font size="3"><u> <br/>Nicknames</u>:<br/></font><ul><li><font size="3"><u>Original version</u>: "The Green Blob", "The Lab", "Green X", "The Xbox X"</font></li><li><font size="3"><u>Alternate variant</u>: "Green Explosion of Doom"</font></li><li><font size="3"><u>Xbox Live variant</u>: "The Live Lab"<br/></font></li></ul><font size="3"><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: We see a green blob formed in a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> and black laboratory. It keeps moving and moving, but everything zooms out in </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> light and we see a large </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333">, pointy X. Below it is "XBOX", also in green. In a few seconds, the 1987-2012 Microsoft logo is seen on the bottom.</font><br/><br/><u>Variants</u><font color="#333333">:</font></font><div><ul><li><font size="3">An alternative version can be seen if an Xbox game is inserted into a DVD player (or any CD drive or gaming system that plays DVDs, like the PS2 for example). We see an exploding green flash with green dots and they all form a green bubble circle. It zooms in when we see bacteria-like things, and then green flash zooms in the Xbox logo without the "X". It shines and two lines make it black and turns green again, and in a few seconds, it explodes.</font></li><li><font size="3">On Dashboard version 4920, an animated logo will appear when "Xbox LIVE" is selected on the dashboard. It begins with a black background, and then an orange light shines brightly with several streaks. After this, a green neon hexagonal grid appears as the camera zooms out. Eventually, it zooms out enough to reveal the "X" logo along with the "XBOX" text. The camera pans and rotates until the XBOX logo is seen from the top, and center. During the camera motion, the light is revealed to be coming from the letter "I" in "LIVE", and the letters "L", "V", and "E" slide in from the sides and light up orange.The "I" continues to shine from the top.<br/></font></li><li><font size="3">A still version with a white background is seen when you play an Xbox game on an Xbox 360.</font></li><li><font size="3">When playing an Xbox game on an Xbox One, the Microsoft logo is removed, presumably because they changed their logo since then.</font></li></ul><font size="3"><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The blob and "X" being formed, which are all rendered in real-time. The alternative version also uses CGI with great results.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Some deep synth bass notes with thunderclaps, followed by a high-pitched synthesized tune. It was composed by Brian Schmidt, who is known for composing music for pinball and video games. The alternative version had a synthesized rock tune backed by cacophonies of an electric guitar, a synthesized EDM-esque riser, a repeating series of overly-saturated snippets of a man saying the name of the console, and an exploding sound with quiet beeps in the background at the end.</font><div><font size="3"><br/><u>Availability</u>: It still appears as the start-up on all models of the original Xbox console, which can be found for cheap on many auction sites or goodwill stores. Also appears in high definition when playing an Xbox game on an Xbox One. Ultra rare for the Xbox Live variant, since it only appears on consoles running the dashboard version "4920".<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3">________________________________________________________________  <br/><b><br/>Xbox 360</b><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(November 22, 2005-November 3, 2010)<br/></font><div align="center"> [[File:51bd31d9dc2cf57d95e13ca26198f6c2.png|241px|Xbox 360 (4:3, no Microsoft bug)]]<font size="3">[[File:X MJfRnsWl KsPhI KPA w8131.jpeg|237px|Xbox/Xbox 360 - CLG Wiki]]<embed height="187" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Xbox%2FXbox+360/widget/youtubevideo/-263865755" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="223" wmode="transparent"/><br/><br/></font><div> </div></div><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: "The X Sphere", "The Xbox Sphere"  </font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: We first see the top of a large sphere against a white BG in dim light. As the room begins to light up, the large, pointy </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> "X" lands on the right side of the sphere and shoots out a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> ripple. The sphere then rapidly zooms out with a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> aura and spins around clockwise so that the "X", which is deeply cut through the sphere, faces us. Another </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> ripple shoots out from the sphere, turning the BG </font><font color="#c8ebc3">pale green</font><font color="#333333"> and forming the words "XBOX 360" below, with "XBOX" in </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333">, "360" in </font><font color="#808080">gray</font><font color="#333333">, and the middle line of the "B" extending slightly out to the left. The sphere shines, and a small black Microsoft logo fades in below seconds after if you have a game in the tray and auto play is turned on.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The sphere and lighting effects. This logo was created by Imaginary Forces.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: A dreamy synth tune with a few whooshes as the sphere forms. It ends with a fading synth chord (from the XBOX 360 game commercials) when the words are formed below. It was composed by Audiobrain.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: Rare. Was seen as the start-up of the Xbox 360, before the late 2010 firmware update. Can be found on older systems running the old firmware. Some newer versions (including the slimline model) actually has this start-up when the system was booted for the first time.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u><font color="#333333">: None.</font><br/><br/><br/><br/><font color="#333333">2nd Logo</font><br/><font color="#333333">(November 4, 2010-April 20, 2016)</font><br/><div align="center"> [[File:CCsDTcP417nQ6hsIZ0e9ug16490.jpeg|313px|Xbox 360 Logo 2010]]</div><u> <br/>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: "The X Sphere II", "The Xbox Sphere II" </font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: On a white background we see many lines in shades of </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> swirl and form a </font><font color="#808080">gray </font><font color="#333333">sphere. A thick </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> trail forms and flies around as the sphere zooms at us, then zooms to its natural position as the </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> trail flies into the middle of the sphere, forming the same </font><font color="#00ff00">green </font><font color="#333333">"X" as before. The words "XBOX 360" (in the same colors as before) zoom in as the "X" glows for a second.Like before, if there's a game in the tray and auto-play is turned on, the Microsoft logo appears below.</font></font><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variants</u>:</font></div><div><ul><li><font size="3">Starting with a software update released on June 10, 2013, the Xbox text is darker.</font></li></ul><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: All of the animation in this logo.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: We begin with a synth note similar to the last logo. Then we hear a few whooshes, and a higher pitched version of the last note.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: No longer current. It is still seen on all newer Xbox 360 systems from 2010 or later. But this is rarer, due to Microsoft stopping the production. However, it can be seen when playing an Xbox 360 game on an Xbox One.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u><font color="#333333">: None.</font><br/><br/><u>Final Note</u><font color="#333333">: After 10 years, Microsoft decided to stop the production of the Xbox 360.</font><br/><br/><font color="#333333">_________________________________________________________________</font><br/><br/><b>Xbox One<br/></b></font><font size="3"><font color="#333333">(November 22, 2013- )</font></font></div></div></div><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><div><div><div><font size="3"><br/></font> [[File:90cdc52c1b3cbc3d59e7f84d91b84d02.png|290px|Xbox One (2013)]]<iframe frameborder="0" height="165" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/bdee954b1fc6d79e974980fb6bf86034bc2eec33" width="292"></iframe></div></div></div></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote><div><div><div><font size="3"><u><br/></u></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Logo</u><u>:</u><font color="#333333"> On a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333"> background, we see the same X Sphere from the Xbox 360 logo (however the sphere is now white instead of </font><font color="#808080">gray</font><font color="#333333">) zooming out and rotating into place. "XBOX ONE" fades in.</font></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variant</u>: In 2017, the startup received a minor update. TBA for details.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><u>:</u><font color="#333333"> The sphere zooming out.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: The ending of the Xbox 360 startups, but low-pitched.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability:</u><font color="#333333"> This was seen at the end of the trailer showing off the Xbox One console. It was later used as the official startup for the console itself.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note:</u><font color="#333333"> None.</font><br/></font></div></div></div><br/></div>

Latest revision as of 16:34, 3 November 2020

Logo descriptions by Mariofan88, BenIsRandom and GETENT
Logo captures and editions by mr3urious and McDonald's1
Videos captures courtesy of testdrive426, billywws2 and Sega Vega


(November 15, 2001-March 2, 2009)

  • Original version: "The Green Blob", "The Lab", "Green X", "The Xbox X"
  • Alternate variant: "Green Explosion of Doom"
  • Xbox Live variant: "The Live Lab"

Logo: We see a green blob formed in a green and black laboratory. It keeps moving and moving, but everything zooms out in green light and we see a large green, pointy X. Below it is "XBOX", also in green. In a few seconds, the 1987-2012 Microsoft logo is seen on the bottom.

  • An alternative version can be seen if an Xbox game is inserted into a DVD player (or any CD drive or gaming system that plays DVDs, like the PS2 for example). We see an exploding green flash with green dots and they all form a green bubble circle. It zooms in when we see bacteria-like things, and then green flash zooms in the Xbox logo without the "X". It shines and two lines make it black and turns green again, and in a few seconds, it explodes.
  • On Dashboard version 4920, an animated logo will appear when "Xbox LIVE" is selected on the dashboard. It begins with a black background, and then an orange light shines brightly with several streaks. After this, a green neon hexagonal grid appears as the camera zooms out. Eventually, it zooms out enough to reveal the "X" logo along with the "XBOX" text. The camera pans and rotates until the XBOX logo is seen from the top, and center. During the camera motion, the light is revealed to be coming from the letter "I" in "LIVE", and the letters "L", "V", and "E" slide in from the sides and light up orange.The "I" continues to shine from the top.
  • A still version with a white background is seen when you play an Xbox game on an Xbox 360.
  • When playing an Xbox game on an Xbox One, the Microsoft logo is removed, presumably because they changed their logo since then.

FX/SFX: The blob and "X" being formed, which are all rendered in real-time. The alternative version also uses CGI with great results.

Music/Sounds: Some deep synth bass notes with thunderclaps, followed by a high-pitched synthesized tune. It was composed by Brian Schmidt, who is known for composing music for pinball and video games. The alternative version had a synthesized rock tune backed by cacophonies of an electric guitar, a synthesized EDM-esque riser, a repeating series of overly-saturated snippets of a man saying the name of the console, and an exploding sound with quiet beeps in the background at the end.

Availability: It still appears as the start-up on all models of the original Xbox console, which can be found for cheap on many auction sites or goodwill stores. Also appears in high definition when playing an Xbox game on an Xbox One. Ultra rare for the Xbox Live variant, since it only appears on consoles running the dashboard version "4920".

Editor's Note: None.


Xbox 360

1st Logo
(November 22, 2005-November 3, 2010)
Xbox 360 (4:3, no Microsoft bug)Xbox/Xbox 360 - CLG Wiki<embed height="187" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Xbox%2FXbox+360/widget/youtubevideo/-263865755" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="223" wmode="transparent"/>

Nicknames: "The X Sphere", "The Xbox Sphere"

Logo: We first see the top of a large sphere against a white BG in dim light. As the room begins to light up, the large, pointy green "X" lands on the right side of the sphere and shoots out a green ripple. The sphere then rapidly zooms out with a green aura and spins around clockwise so that the "X", which is deeply cut through the sphere, faces us. Another green ripple shoots out from the sphere, turning the BG pale green and forming the words "XBOX 360" below, with "XBOX" in green, "360" in gray, and the middle line of the "B" extending slightly out to the left. The sphere shines, and a small black Microsoft logo fades in below seconds after if you have a game in the tray and auto play is turned on.

FX/SFX: The sphere and lighting effects. This logo was created by Imaginary Forces.

Music/Sounds: A dreamy synth tune with a few whooshes as the sphere forms. It ends with a fading synth chord (from the XBOX 360 game commercials) when the words are formed below. It was composed by Audiobrain.

Availability: Rare. Was seen as the start-up of the Xbox 360, before the late 2010 firmware update. Can be found on older systems running the old firmware. Some newer versions (including the slimline model) actually has this start-up when the system was booted for the first time.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(November 4, 2010-April 20, 2016)
Xbox 360 Logo 2010

: "The X Sphere II", "The Xbox Sphere II"

Logo: On a white background we see many lines in shades of green swirl and form a gray sphere. A thick green trail forms and flies around as the sphere zooms at us, then zooms to its natural position as the green trail flies into the middle of the sphere, forming the same green "X" as before. The words "XBOX 360" (in the same colors as before) zoom in as the "X" glows for a second.Like before, if there's a game in the tray and auto-play is turned on, the Microsoft logo appears below.

  • Starting with a software update released on June 10, 2013, the Xbox text is darker.
FX/SFX: All of the animation in this logo.

Music/Sounds: We begin with a synth note similar to the last logo. Then we hear a few whooshes, and a higher pitched version of the last note.

Availability: No longer current. It is still seen on all newer Xbox 360 systems from 2010 or later. But this is rarer, due to Microsoft stopping the production. However, it can be seen when playing an Xbox 360 game on an Xbox One.

Editor's Note: None.

Final Note: After 10 years, Microsoft decided to stop the production of the Xbox 360.


Xbox One
(November 22, 2013- )

Logo: On a green background, we see the same X Sphere from the Xbox 360 logo (however the sphere is now white instead of gray) zooming out and rotating into place. "XBOX ONE" fades in.

Variant: In 2017, the startup received a minor update. TBA for details.

FX/SFX: The sphere zooming out.

Music/Sounds: The ending of the Xbox 360 startups, but low-pitched.

Availability: This was seen at the end of the trailer showing off the Xbox One console. It was later used as the official startup for the console itself.

Editor's Note: None.