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- 23:21, 5 November 2020 PWI (Latin America) (hist | edit) [1,551 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Compiled by</i></font><font color="#333333"> Unnepad</font></font><div><font size="3"><br/></font></di...")
- 23:21, 5 November 2020 Pygmy Wolf Productions (hist | edit) [1,399 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by </font>MylesMoss1996</i><br/><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by...")
- 23:21, 5 November 2020 Pyramid (Russia) (hist | edit) [4,438 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><font><u>Background</u>: Pyramid Home Video started out as a low-bugdet division of another video company, Videoservice (Russ...")
- 23:21, 5 November 2020 Pyramid Films (hist | edit) [3,823 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> <font color="#333333">Wellmart3 and PAV123</font><br/><font col...")
- 23:21, 5 November 2020 Pyramid Media (hist | edit) [39 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"></div>")
- 23:21, 5 November 2020 Pyramid Productions (UK) (hist | edit) [1,312 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by <br/>Photos by <br/>Video captures by<br/></i></font><font color="#ffa500"><...")
- 23:21, 5 November 2020 Pyramid Video (Japan) (hist | edit) [2,164 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><font color="#333333" size="3">1st Logo</font></div><font size="3"><font color="#333333">(1980's-1990's)</font><br/><br/><div align="cent...")
- 23:21, 5 November 2020 Pyravid International (hist | edit) [1,544 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions, editions, and captures<font color="#000000"> <font color="#ffa500">by <font color="...")
- 23:20, 5 November 2020 Pyro Studios (Spain) (hist | edit) [10,929 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div></div><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">1st Logo</font><div><font size="3"><font color="#333333...")
- 23:20, 5 November 2020 Pyrrhic Victory Productions (hist | edit) [1,218 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by<font color="#333333"> MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 O entertament (hist | edit) [485 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent">Made by hohohomer<br/>Yomneyboat dont touch<br/>2002-<br/><br/>Nickname: O!<br/>Logo: On a black BG, a purple CGI O comes down from the screen...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 O'Malley Ink (hist | edit) [779 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by <font color="#000000">MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 O'Quinn Productions (hist | edit) [1,618 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><i><font size="3"><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by </font>WetPaintLogo1993<font color="#333333">.</font></font></i></div><div><...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Oasis International (Canada) (hist | edit) [1,440 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description by</font> EnormousRat<br/></i></font><font color="#333333"><font size...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 OBB Pictures (hist | edit) [5,231 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by </font>MylesMoss1996</i></font><br/><i>Logo captures by</i></fon...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Objective Productions (hist | edit) [796 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by <font color="#000000">MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Obscene Logos (hist | edit) [165 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><ul><li>View Askew Productions</li><li>Team Happy Rainbow Panda Bears</li><li>PFFR Productions<br/></li></ul><br/></div>")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Ocean Shores (Hong Kong) (hist | edit) [6,949 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> MachineryNoise and WillWill45<br/><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by</...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Ocean Software (hist | edit) [17,209 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by</font><font color="#000000"> logoboy95 </font><font color="#000000">and</font></i><i>...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Ocko & Company (hist | edit) [1,272 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by <font color="#000000">MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 OctoArts Films (Philippines) (hist | edit) [4,566 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font color="#333333" size="3">1st Logo<br/>(1990-1999)<br/><br/></font><div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="3"><img align="bottom...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 October Moon Productions (hist | edit) [621 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description by</font> mr3urious</i><br/><br/>(1992?-?)<br/><br/><u>Nickname</u>: "The Rising Moon"<br/><br/><u>L...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 October Films (hist | edit) [5,012 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description and captures by</font> Eric S., V of Doom, EnormousRat,...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 OddLot Entertainment (hist | edit) [2,097 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3">(2005-2018)<br/></font><div align="center"> <font size="3"><embed allowfullscreen="true" height="204" src="http://wikifoundryto...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Oddworld Inhabitants (hist | edit) [5,641 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><font size="3"><u>Background</u>: Oddworld Inhabitants is a video game company started in 1994 whose sole output so far has been titles i...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Oddysey Home Video (hist | edit) [39 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"></div>")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Odeon (Greece) (hist | edit) [6,842 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div align="left"><font>1st Logo</font></div><div align="left"><font size="3">(1997-2000)</font></div><div align="left"><font size="3"><br/></...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Ode Sounds & Visuals (hist | edit) [1,112 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><u>Background</u>: This is a "legacy credit"-style logo produced for the defunct music label of the same name, which was formed...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Odeon (Italy) (hist | edit) [11,869 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"><u>Background</u></font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Odeon / Sky Filmworks (UK) (hist | edit) [1,370 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><u>Background</u>: </font><font size="3">Odeon Sky Filmworks is a joint venture between Odeon Cinemas and British Sky Broadcast...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Odyssey Entertainment (hist | edit) [1,281 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><u>Background</u>: Odyssey Entertainment was a London-based film sales and financing company, which started in late 2001 and ce...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Odessa Film Studio (Ukraine) (hist | edit) [4,169 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#FFA500">Logo descriptions by </font>EnormousRat</i></font><div><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Video b...")
- 23:14, 5 November 2020 Odyssey Video (UK) (hist | edit) [3,490 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description and captures by </font>Logophile</i><br/><i><font color="#ffa500">Video capture court...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Off Hollywood Video (hist | edit) [1,249 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description by</font> gshowguy</i><br/><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo capture by</font> Eric S.</i...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Off the Dock (hist | edit) [2,047 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><u>Background</u>: This is Lakeshore Entertainment's digital subsidiary.</font><div><font size="3"><br/></font><div><font size=...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Off Topic Survey: Super Bowl XLII (hist | edit) [154 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"> <font color="#0000ff"><font size="7">GIANTS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!<br/><br/>SCREW THE PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!<br/></font></font></div>")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Off-Color Films (hist | edit) [809 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><br/>(2000's)<br/><br/><u>Nickname</u>: "Rolling Thunder's Brother", "The Bleeding Filmstrip"</font></div><div><font...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision du Mali (Mali) (hist | edit) [1,555 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by </font>19Joshua</i></font></div><div><font size="3"><i><font color="#f...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Official IMAX Video (hist | edit) [3,335 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by</font><font color="#333333">RedheadXilamGuy</font><br/></i><br/><br/><font color="#33...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Official Films, Inc. (hist | edit) [3,171 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Compiled by</font> Michael Bass<br/><font color="#ffa500">Logo Pictures by</font> Eric S. and Michael...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Oh Brudder Productions (hist | edit) [1,249 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3">(March 6, 2015)</font><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockq...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Ohio Educational Telecommunications (hist | edit) [1,913 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description by</font><font color="#333333"> Tman5627 and TheBigLogoFan2</font></i></font><div><fo...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Oil Factory, Inc. (hist | edit) [799 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by <font color="#000000">MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Ohlmeyer Communications (hist | edit) [2,851 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by <font color="#000000">MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Okay Productions (India) (hist | edit) [3,113 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><i><font size="3"><font color="#ffa500">Logo description by</font><font color="#333333"> SnowflakesOmega</font></font></i><div><font size="3">...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Okay Goodnight! (hist | edit) [981 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description and capture by</font><font color="#333333"> </font>originalsboy11</i...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Old 320 Sycamore (hist | edit) [1,171 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by<font color="#333333"> MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Oklahoma State University (hist | edit) [2,137 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div align="left"><i><font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><br/></font></font></i></div><div align="left"><i><font size="3"><font color="#ffa50...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Old Charlie Productions (hist | edit) [957 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><div><div> <font size="3"><font color="#ffa500"><i>Logo descriptions by <font color="#000000">MylesMoss1996</font></i></font><br/><font color=...")
- 23:13, 5 November 2020 Old Forest Hill Productions (hist | edit) [2,553 bytes] Travis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description by</font> Michael Bass</i></font><br/><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Video c...")