Virgin Hyperloop One

From Closing Logos
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Logo descriptions by Muzzarino
Photos by Muzzarino
Editions by

Background: Hyperloop One was founded as a transportation company introduced by Elon Musk. On 2017 after Virgin partnered up with Hyperloop One, the company was rebranded as Virgin Hyperloop One.

1st Logo

Hyperloop One (2016)Hyperloop One (2016, byline)Hyperloop One (2016, video clip variant)Virgin Hyperloop One (DevLoop Ring Lights)Virgin Hyperloop OneVirgin Hyperloop One (with Here logo)

Logo: On a blue-gray background, we see a small light blue dot appearing among the others creating grid lines and the text "Hyperloop" draws itself onto it. The logo fades to a silver background with the two "O"s glowing for a second, then the blue line traces the rotated "8" looking infinite symbol and the "One" slides in and "Hyperloop" pan to the left to make room for the blue line to spawn.

FX/SFX:The dots creating the grid, text drawing and blue lines animated.

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: The short logo can be seen at the beginning or end of the videos published by the official account such as <a href="" target="_self">Twitter</a> and <a href="" target="_self">YouTube</a>. A standalone logo was shown at the live media event to introduce the announcement for this transportation technology company. It can also be seen on Dave Nguyen's Vimeo channel

Editor's Note: None