Budiana Films (Indonesia)

From Closing Logos
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Logo descriptions and captures by CokeFan12
Video captures courtesy of CokeFan12

Background: P.T. Budiana Film is an adult/porn movie producer in Indonesia from the 80s. If you find an Indonesian adult movie from the 80s, then it's most likely produced by this company.

1st Logo
(Early 80s)

Nicknames: "The BF Projector", "Color-Changing Projected Light"

Logo: On a blue background, a pink projector zooms in facing us before rotating to its right revealing the words "BF" on its side. The projector moves to the left. It then turns on, projecting several colors from this order; orange, magenta, magenta with orange stripes, and finally pink. There is text fading on the light, "P.T. BUDIANA FILM", with "mempersembahkan" and "presents" below it, separated with a small line.

FX/SFX: Very outdated and choppy animation.

Music/Sounds: A bombastic fanfare.

Availability: Extinct. Find it on Budiana's adult movies.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(Mid 80s-1990s?)

Nicknames: "The BF Projector", "Rainbow Projector"

Logo: On a starfield background, we see a yellow flash. Then, a transparent projector with blue outlines appears facing us. The projector zooms in,then it rotates to the right revealing the letters "BF"on its side. The projector moves to the left side of the screen. It then turns on, emitting rainbow-colored rays of light. Then, against the rainbow light, "P.T. BUDIANA FILM", "mempersembahkan" below it, a black line and "presents" below it wipes in.

FX/SFX: Again, choppy and cheap animation.

Music/Sounds: Same as before.

Availability: Probably extinct. A handful of movie releases by Budiana may have it.

Editor's Note: None.