Bee Caves Road

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Compiled by WizardDuck
Editions by CooleyBoy10 and originalsboy11

(October 5, 2001-May 10, 2002)
<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="207" src="" width="261"></iframe>
Logo: We see a road with some grass on both sides. An armadillo with the Texas flag on it (animated in a style not unlike Terry Gillam) runs onto the road and stops, wagging its tail briefly. As this happens, the text "Bee Caves ®oaD" appears below, at first blurry but quickly becoming clear (all the letters in the name are the same height).

FX/SFX: The armadillo, appearance of the name and clouds moving by.

Music/Sounds: A harpischord rendition of the first few notes to "The Eyes of Texas".

Availability: Seen on the first season of Reba.

Editor's Note: The armadillo looks a little creepy, and the crude animation and startling music might not help.