Empire Theatres (Canada)

From Closing Logos
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Background: Empire Theatres was a cinema chain founded in 1978, owned by Empire Company Ltd. On June 27, 2013, it was announced that they would sell their theatres to Cineplex Entertainment and Landmark Cinemas.
1st Logo
2nd Logo
(1999-Mid 2000s)
3rd Logo
(Mid 2000s-2010)
Logo: On a space background, we see some pillars on the bottom of the screen, and colorful light flares in the middle. We zoom through the pillars and the flares bring down six triangle-like shapes, while the Empire Theatres logo from the period (three filmstrips in an arc shape on a blue oval) zooms out, and the words "EMPIRE THEATRES" appear below. The logo zooms out, then fades to black. Then, a circle with a cell phone appears on the left with the words "Please Turn Off!", a circle with a trash can in the middle with the words "Please Deposit Refuse", and a circle with a speech bubble that says "Shh!..." on the right with the words "Please Be Courteous". Finally, "FEATURE PRESENTATION" wipes in on a smoky background.
FX/SFX: CGI animation that's nicely done.
Music/Sounds: An upbeat piano theme, with wind sound effects throughout. Three whooshes are heard when the circles appear.
Availablility: Extinct.
2nd Logo
5th Logo
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