Films for The Humanities & Sciences

From Closing Logos
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Films for The Humanities

Logo description by: OmegaPC777
Video captures by: DudeThatLogo, Gilblitz112, FanCentralNetwork
, and The AVTB Archives

1st (known) Logo
(Early 1980s)

Logo: On a blue background, a group of lines are wiped in vertically to form the FH logo. Two lines are then drawn below the logo and the words, "A Films for The Humanities Presentation" fade in below.

Variant: A filmed variant exists.

FX/SFX: Early Scanimate effects.

Music/Sounds: An soothing Moog tune with the sound of cheap sprinkling synth.

: Unknown.

Editor's Note: None.


Films for The Humanities & Sciences

(Mid 1990's-Mid 2000's?)

Logo: On a white/gray marble background, the "FH" logo from the previous logo draws itself in black. When it's done, letters are seen zooming down inside the letters, and fully appear underneath the logo, reading "FILMS FOR THE HUMANITIES & SCIENCES". As "FH" turns into a black/tangerine gradient color, "A Presentation of" fades in above, and the company's URL fades in below.

Variant: At the end of programs, only the company name appears, and below it "Princeton, New Jersey" fades in. It fades out, and over the background we see the stacked text "For information on thousands of programs in over seventy subject areas, visit". That then fades out, as a copyright notice fades in later.

FX/SFX: The logo drawing in, the text appearing, the fading.

Music/Sounds: A synthesized, fancy-sounding orchestral tune, which is slightly shorter on the closing variant.

Availability: Rare. It has been seen on older prints distributed by the company. Some things it has been spotted on has been a 1998 VHS of Film, TV and Media Today: Film Industry, a 2000 VHS print for an episode of The People and the Power Game, and a print of the BBC adaptation of The Yellow Wallpaper. It is unknown if they appeared on TV airings of the said things.

Editor's Note: None.