Filmlab Video (Denmark)

From Closing Logos
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Logo descriptions by Thisisanswer
Video captures courtesy of ludvighaakonson69


<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="150" src="" width="200"></iframe>Nickname: "The Flipping In/Out Rectangles"

Logo: On a black background, a white rectangle with a yellow outline zooms in while flipping around. On the rectangle, there is the text "FILMLAB" in a stylized font, arranged in a arc shape. The text is all in gold, and there is also a still shine on it. The F's top bar stretches across the entire word, the first L cups the M, while "LAB" is all connected together. There are also several yellow square outlines on the other side of the square, flipping with the logo. After a bit, "PRÆSENTERER" appears below, before it disappears a second later and the animation reverses.

FX/SFX: The logo flipping.

Music/Sounds: An ambient guitar tune with synth keyboard notes played throughout. It ends with a flourish.

Availability: Extinct.

Editor's Note: None.