Filmko (Hong Kong)

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Logo descriptions by SnowflakesOmega

Background: Filmko was formed in 2000 by Alex Wong and directors Derek Yee and Chi Leung "Jacob" Cheung after Wong's production house Alexander Entertainment Production.

Alexander Entertainment Production Limited


Alexander Entertainment Production Limited<iframe align="bottom" frameborder="0" height="225" src="" width="298"></iframe>

Logo: On a black background, a light shines on a dark crystal mountain with 2 smaller ones beside it and 3 small red ones under it. A director's chair appears in the large red mountain and the crystal text "Alexander" zooms and swirls into place. The mountains disappear and the text and chair below light streaks and zoom in. While that happens, 2 Chinese characters zoom out and the rest folds out in gold and the mountains shine in. The text "Alexander Entertainment Production Limited" fades in below the characters and beside the mountains.

FX/SFX: The animation's actually really cool, but that synth music sounds dated.

Music/Sounds: An ascending, dramatic synth with pounding drums.

Availability: TBA

Editor's Note: None.

Filmko Pictures

1st Logo

Filmko Pictures (2001)
Nicknames: "The Dark Shining Star", "8-Pointed Star", "Tinnitus Star"

Logo: We see an 8-pointed star rotating on a foggy background, as lights illuminate the background and a lens flare moves around from top to bottom. The star stops rotating and a light appears behind, as they move above a bit to fit into a zooming-out square frame, and the words "FILMKO PICTURES" in the Gill Sans font and "presents" in the Times New Roman font, fade in below.

FX/SFX: The star rotating, the fog, the lights, the text fading in.

Music/Sounds: A whoosh, then a dark, ringing synth drone, then some more whooshes.

Availability: Seen on Filmko's earlier productions until the mid 2000's.

Editor's Note: The ominous nature of the logo and the ringing synth may unsettle some or cause tinnitus to the ears.

2nd Logo

Filmko (2000's)Filmko (2010's)
Nicknames: "The Dark Shining Star II", "8-Pointed Star II", "Crystal Star", "Tinnitus Star II" (excluding later variant).

Logo: On a starry background, a crystal 8-pointed star with lights surrounding it is seen on the center and rotates to face the screen. The stars fade out and a metallic square fades behind the logo. "FILMKO" in the Century Gothic font and two Chinese characters then fade below.

Variant: In the logo's later years, the CGI is improved and "FILMKO" is in the Lithos Pro font, and square logo and "FILMKO" would slide in together.

FX/SFX: The crystal star rotating, the square fading in, the sliding (on the later logo), the texts fading in.

Music/Sounds: Same as before. Currently, the logo is seen silent.

Availability: Currently seen on later Filmko productions.

Editor's Note: The animation's not very dark unlike before, but that music would still cause ringing in the ears.