The Thomas Carter Company

From Closing Logos
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1st Logo
(March 27, 1990-July 3, 1991)

Logo: On a blue background, we see the horizontal line being drawn with white, then a long, vertical line to make the letter "T". The words appear, one-by-one, to make the words "THE THOMAS CARTER COMPANY."

FX/SFX: The "T", and the words.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme.

Availability: It was seen on Equal Justice.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(October 3, 1994-November 15, 1997)

Logo: On a black background, we see the blue words "The THOMAS CARTER Company" in Times News Roman with two lines moving left on top, and right on the bottom.

FX/SFX: The lines moving.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme or a generic theme on NBC.

Availability: Seen on Someone She Knows.

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo
(April 17, 2000)

Logo: We see three golden letters "TCC" moving in position, with the white words fading in, "THE THOMAS CARTER CO."

FX/SFX: The letters, and the fade-in.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Trapped in a Purple Haze.

Editor's Note: None.

4th Logo
(February 7, 2009- )

Logo: Similar to The Mark Gordon Company logo, but the square is bigger, with the words in blue "THE THOMAS CARTER COMPANY."

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story.

Editor's Note: None.