American Institute for Education

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Logo descriptions by Edc4
Photos by Edc4
Video captures by Edc4

1st Logo

American Institute for Education (2000)American Institute for Education (2000)

: On a black BG, the letters "A", "I", and "E" fly into the middle of the screen, with the American flag as the texture. "A", and "E" come from the bottom of the screen, whilst "I" comes from the top of the screen. As they stop flying, the words "American Institute For Education, Inc" abruptly shows up. The logo then fades out.

Variant: At the end of programs distributed by this company, a extra piece of text is added saying "©Copyright (YEAR)"

: The CGI letters. For the closing variant, none.

Music/Sounds: A "whoosh" sound.

Availability: Very Rare. Seen on The Instructional Revolution.

Editor's Note: None.