Angry Dragon Entertainment
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Logo descriptions by Shadeed A. Kelly
Logo capture by DarkJester25
Video capture by JCraver98, and Originalsboy11
Logo capture by DarkJester25
Video capture by JCraver98, and Originalsboy11
Editions by oneeighthundred
Background: Angry Dragon Entertainment is a production company founded by Dean Cain in 1998. However, the company didn't use a logo until 2000.
1st Logo
(January 12, 2000-October 23, 2002)
<iframe frameborder="0" height="171" src="" width="301"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" height="207" src="" width="366"></iframe>
FX/SFX: The flames, the 3D dragon turning its head.
Music/Sounds: Flame sounds and a brief dragon roar, ending in a gong.
Availability: Appeared on the last season of the TBS revival of Ripley’s Believe it or Not!, when it was last seen on Chiller and Cloo. Like before, it may possibly be seen on The Best of Ripley's Believe It or Not! DVD.
Editor's Note: The added flames and the dragon turning its head may cause some scares.
Background: Angry Dragon Entertainment is a production company founded by Dean Cain in 1998. However, the company didn't use a logo until 2000.
1st Logo
(January 12, 2000-October 23, 2002)

Nickname: “The Dragon”
Logo: On a black background, we see a red circle with a black dragon, outlined in white that is breathing out fire. Then suddenly, the name “ANGRY DRAGON ENTERTAINMENT” in white lettering zooms out mid-fast from screen center underneath the dragon. The dragon roars while the name is being positioned under the dragon.
FX/SFX: The name “ANGRY DRAGON ENTERTAINMENT” zooming-out from screen center.
Music/Sounds: A fiery whoosh.
Availability: Was seen on the first few seasons of the TBS revival of Ripley’s Believe it or Not!, which was last seen on Chiller and Cloo. Might possibly be seen on the DVD The Best of Ripley's Believe It or Not!.
Editor's Note: The loud whoosh may catch some off guard as well as the menacing logo design, but it's mostly harmless, compared to the next logo...
2nd Logo
(January 8-August 20, 2003)
Logo: On a black background, we see a red circle with a black dragon, outlined in white that is breathing out fire. Then suddenly, the name “ANGRY DRAGON ENTERTAINMENT” in white lettering zooms out mid-fast from screen center underneath the dragon. The dragon roars while the name is being positioned under the dragon.
FX/SFX: The name “ANGRY DRAGON ENTERTAINMENT” zooming-out from screen center.
Music/Sounds: A fiery whoosh.
Availability: Was seen on the first few seasons of the TBS revival of Ripley’s Believe it or Not!, which was last seen on Chiller and Cloo. Might possibly be seen on the DVD The Best of Ripley's Believe It or Not!.
Editor's Note: The loud whoosh may catch some off guard as well as the menacing logo design, but it's mostly harmless, compared to the next logo...
2nd Logo
(January 8-August 20, 2003)

Nicknames: "The Dragon II", “The Fiery Dragon”, “The Dragon From Burning Hell”, “The Turning Dragon”
Logo: On a black background with flames, we see a red circle that now has a cut shape of the same dragon from the 1st logo. The dragon’s head turns once in 3D effects. The dragon also roars like somewhat of a lion or tiger. The name “ANGRY DRAGON ENTERTAINMENT” appears later.
FX/SFX: The flames, the 3D dragon turning its head.
Music/Sounds: Flame sounds and a brief dragon roar, ending in a gong.
Availability: Appeared on the last season of the TBS revival of Ripley’s Believe it or Not!, when it was last seen on Chiller and Cloo. Like before, it may possibly be seen on The Best of Ripley's Believe It or Not! DVD.
Editor's Note: The added flames and the dragon turning its head may cause some scares.