Belarusfilm (Belarus)

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Background: Belarusfilm is the main film studio in the Republic of Belarus, and now the most prolific among other national film studios of former USSR. Founded in 1924 as "Soviet Belarus". Interrupted by war, film production was restarted in 1946, renamed to current name that year and presented the first logo.

1st LogoBelarusfilm - CLG Wiki

Logo: Not actually the logo, just the name "СОВЕТСКАЯ БЕЛАРУСЬ" with the production year below..

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: Beginning of the film.

Availability: Very rare.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(1940's, 1964-1966)

Belarusfilm - CLG WikiBelarusfilm - CLG WikiBelarusfilm - CLG Wiki

Logo: The name "Беларусьфильм", designed in handwritten style, is seen.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Rare. Appeared as a prototype in late 40's with some strong resemblance to the next logo. Briefly used in 1960's among the next logo.

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo

Belarusfilm - CLG WikiBelarusfilm - CLG WikiBelarusfilm - CLG Wiki
Belarusfilm - CLG WikiBelarusfilm - CLG WikiBelarusfilm - CLG Wiki

Logo: The name "Белорусьфильм" is seen, looking like it's made out of filmstrip. Some production notes appear overhead and the year below.

Variants: The logo passed through minor changes during the years.
  • The name was tilted until the end of 60's. During the same years in was translated to Belorussian language, resulting in a single letter change (o to a).
  • The name had their filmstrip more pronounced in 50's.
  • In 1980's the year below vanished, and accompanied text were not seen often.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None or the opening theme.

Availability: Common, saved on a lot of Soviet films and preserved whenever they are rerun.

Editor’s Note: None.

4th Logo
(2007 -)Belarusfilm - CLG Wiki

Logo: On a running filmstrip background, we move around the complicated insides of a working film projector. Then the projector itself comes into view, made of shining metal and with the name on its side, reading "БЕЛАРУСЬФИЛЬМ" in the modified version of the original font, 3D and silvery white. Background is dark blue and a filmstrip unfolds below the name.

FX/SFX: The animation.

Music/Sounds: TBA.

Availability: Current on films and TV series. Sometimes replaced with the still previous logo.

Editor’s Note: None.