Bob Bain Productions
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Logo description by Hoa and gohan56782
Logo capture by Mr3urious & Lisa12971
Editions by Shadeed A. Kelly, mr3urious and Jeff B.
1st Logo
(December 8, 1993-March 31, 2012)
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="172" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="211" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: The Stack
Logo: On a black background, we see the stacked silverish-green text BOB BAIN PRODUCTIONS", all with lines underneath, turning with a shining light effect.
Variant: On Nick Jr.'s Mega Music Fest, we see a shot of some burnt-out shoes. Then, the company name zooms in, in a different font than before.
FX/SFX: The light shining.
Music/Sounds: A synthesized sweeping sound with an announcer saying This has been a Bob Bain production.
Music/Sounds Variants:
Availability: Probably extinct, given that this logo typically ran on specials that aren't reran. Seen on special events like Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards (starting in 2002), the Miss America pageants, Teen Choice Awards, Your Mama Don't Dance, and Dance Fever (2003), among others. It was retired in 2012 and was replaced by the 3rd logo.
Editor's Note: None.
<iframe frameborder="0" height="207" src="" width="275"></iframe>
3rd Logo
(March 23, 2013-March 28, 2015)
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="178" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="217" wmode="transparent"/>
Logo: On a black background with several blue sparks, we see "BOB BAIN PRODUCTIONS", stacked like before, only it's now in blue and in CGI. As the logo slowly flies up to the center of the screen, a large blue circle pulses around the stack.
FX/SFX: Very nice CGI animation.
Music/Sounds: Tom Kenny (again, in his SpongeBob SquarePants voice) says "This has been a Bob Bain production," and then does SpongeBob's signature laugh. On the Teen Choice Awards, it's either the end theme of the special or a Female announcer saying the mentioned line above.
Availability: Extinct. Was seen on Kids Choice Awards and Teen Choice Awards from 2013 to 2015.
Editor's Note: None.
Logo capture by Mr3urious & Lisa12971
Editions by Shadeed A. Kelly, mr3urious and Jeff B.
1st Logo
(December 8, 1993-March 31, 2012)

Nickname: The Stack
Logo: On a black background, we see the stacked silverish-green text BOB BAIN PRODUCTIONS", all with lines underneath, turning with a shining light effect.
Variant: On Nick Jr.'s Mega Music Fest, we see a shot of some burnt-out shoes. Then, the company name zooms in, in a different font than before.
FX/SFX: The light shining.
Music/Sounds: A synthesized sweeping sound with an announcer saying This has been a Bob Bain production.
Music/Sounds Variants:
- Sometimes, it doesn't feature the voiceover.
- On 2006-2012 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and the shoes variant, Tom Kenny (in his SpongeBob SquarePants voice) does the VO.
- On the 2003 Kids' Choice Awards, Daran Norris (in his Cosmo voice from The Fairly OddParents) says "Bob Bain Productions! I love it! Woo-hoo!".
Availability: Probably extinct, given that this logo typically ran on specials that aren't reran. Seen on special events like Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards (starting in 2002), the Miss America pageants, Teen Choice Awards, Your Mama Don't Dance, and Dance Fever (2003), among others. It was retired in 2012 and was replaced by the 3rd logo.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
(November 30, 2000-April 21, 2001)

Logo: On a black background we see the words "bobbain" with a dark blue down arrow with the stem being squiggly. Behind the words, there's a yellow bar on the left side of the screen. All of this is in a extreme close up. It then quickly zooms out with a yellow bar going to the left of the screen and it causes the word "bob" to turn yellow. The word "PRODUCTIONS" appears below in a small uppercase font.
FX/SFX: Everything.
Music/Sounds: A male voice saying "Space station slime, we have a problem". In the middle of the dialogue, a burp is heard.
Music/Sounds Variant: A low techno whoosh, followed by the sound of glass shattering.
Availability: Extinct. It was only seen on the 2001 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and N*Sync: 'Ntimate Holiday Special, which was last seen in 2005. None of these specials have received home media releases, nor are they currently reran, so it's gone for good.
Editor's Note: None.
3rd Logo
(March 23, 2013-March 28, 2015)

Logo: On a black background with several blue sparks, we see "BOB BAIN PRODUCTIONS", stacked like before, only it's now in blue and in CGI. As the logo slowly flies up to the center of the screen, a large blue circle pulses around the stack.
FX/SFX: Very nice CGI animation.
Music/Sounds: Tom Kenny (again, in his SpongeBob SquarePants voice) says "This has been a Bob Bain production," and then does SpongeBob's signature laugh. On the Teen Choice Awards, it's either the end theme of the special or a Female announcer saying the mentioned line above.
Availability: Extinct. Was seen on Kids Choice Awards and Teen Choice Awards from 2013 to 2015.
Editor's Note: None.
4th Logo
(July 31, 2016-)
Logo: On a black background, "bobbainproductions" types in. A hashtag zooms from the top right corner to the first b.
FX/SFX: The name typing, the hashtag zooming.
Music/Sounds: The end theme with a typing sound and a ding when the hashtag zooms down.
Availability: This logo is strangely absent from newer Kids Choice Awards, but it still serves on Teen Choice Awards.
Editor's Note: None.