Cameron Entertainment Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)

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Logo descriptions by EnormousRat and Thisisanswer
Logo capture by EnormousRat
Video capture courtesy of cruiseshipz

1st Logo

Nicknames: "The Golden Pegasus", "City Pegasus", "Pegasus of Nguri"

Logo: We zoom in on a silver horse galloping on a filmstrip in the middle of a futuristic city with many lights in space. We then fade to another shot of the horse which leaps and flashes to become a golden Pegasus and flies to a shot of the Earth with the filmstrip behind it. It circles the Earth and the goes into a standing pose as the filmstrip becomes fused beneath the Pegasus and surrounds the Earth. Chinese characters and "CAMERON ENTERTAINMENT CO. LTD." in gold fade in and shine.

FX/SFX: The horse.

Music/Sounds: An orchestral fanfare that becomes a powerful fanfare with whooshes.

Availability: Extremely rare.

2nd Logo

Cameron Entertainment (1998)<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="229" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="279" wmode="transparent"/>

Nickname: "The Space Pegasus", "The Golden Pegasus II"

We move in space, passing the Jupiter-like planet and closing to another planet, lit by small sun. The Pegasus profile is seen on the golden surface of the planet. The sun goes around and shines brightly, covering the view. Then we see the golden Pegasus already moving through space, and the stylized wings appear at his back a second later. Then he turns into the circular medallion with horse carving and the name appears to the right.

FX/SFX: The animation in the logo. As for other Asian companies, it's a little outdated, but still amazing and better than the 1st logo.

Music/Sounds: A majestic orchestral fanfare, accompanied with the deep whoosh when we zoom through the Jupiter-like planet, an explosion sound with some sparkling sounds when the sun shines, and the mechanical-sounding whoosh combined with the sub-bass sound, when the wings appear.

Availability: Uncommon, appears on Hong Kong films of the era, such as Biozombie.