Catapult Productions (Canada)

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Catapult Productions Inc. was founded in 1992 for the purpose of creating entertainment using computer character animation. Catapult co-owns Studio 345, a computer animation studio in downtown Toronto where Monster By Mistake was produced.

1st logo

Logo: On a dark orangecoloredbackground with a purple line running from the bottom right we see the words CATAPULT
Productions Inc. as the word Catapult bends backwards and flings forward before resetting itself.

FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The word Catapult animating.

Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the show.

Availability: Only seen on the pilot episode of Monster By Mistake.

Scare Factor: None.

2nd logo

Logo: On a blue background with a blurry person, we see the golden circle appearing and the same person we saw in the background before, in the circle, his arm preparing to throw. The words appear "CATAPULT" one-by-one and "PRODUCTIONS" fades in and the green line draws in the middle.

FX/SFX: The circle, the person, and the words.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme.

Availability: Seen on Monster By Mistake.

Scare Factor: None.

3rd logo