Changchun Film Studio (China)

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Logo descriptions by CokeFan12
Logo captures by CokeFan12 and Gilblitz112
Video captures courtesy of CokeFan12

1st Logo

Logo: On a black background is the hanzi 長春電影製片厂(Changchun Film Studio) and the copyright year below it.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the movie, or none.

Availability: Seen on a handful of 1950s Changchun films. Some films used a simple in-credit notice instead though.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
Logo: We see the same text from before, in a different font and without the year, set upon a marble background. Also exists as an in-credit logo.

FX/SFX: Once again, none.

Music/Sounds: Opening theme.

Availability: TBA

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo

Logo: Again, the text from before, but in Simplified Chinese, minus the tiny Chinese characters underneath and on a black background. The font looks handwritten, which makes this different from the other Changchun logos.

FX/SFX: Again, none.

Music/Sounds: Opening theme too.

Availability: Survived from the 60s to the 80s, making this one of the more common logos you'd likely find. Some also appear as in-credit.

Editor's Note: None.

4th Logo

Logo: On a red background, we see a statue consisting of what appeared to be Chinese soldiers and a lady holding something that appeared to be a pile of wheat or a potted plant. The text is below. The statue slowly rotates to the left.

FX/SFX: The rotating statue, done in live-action.

Music/Sounds: A proud bombastic fanfare.

Availability: TBA

Editor's Note: None.

5th Logo
Changchun Film Studio (1973)Changchun Film Studio (1973)

Logo: On a sky (or red) background is another statue, with what appeared to be Chinese soldiers and a lady in a robe, again appearing to be holding a pile of wheat or a potted plant. Text is below, as usual. The statue rotates to the right.

FX/SFX: The rotating statue, again done in live-action.

Music/Sounds: TBA

Availability: TBA

Editor's Note: None.