Children's Television Workshop
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Logo descriptions byNicholas Aczel, WileE2005,Juniorfan88, and CaptinFalconFan2000
Logo captures bymr3urious, V of Doom, snelfu, Muzzarino, Mr. Logo Lord, CaptinFalconFan2000, and TheEriccorpinc
Editions byV of Doom, Muzzarino and CuriousGeorge60
Background: Children's Television Workshop was founded in 1968 by Joan Ganz Cooney to create the critically-acclaimed children's showSesame Street. Until 2000, CTW has produced shows such as3-2-1 Contact,Square One,Cro,Ghostwriter,The Electric Company,Big Bag,Dragon Tales, and many other edutainment titles. In 2000, the company was renamed to "Sesame Workshop" to symbolize their move beyond producing just television shows and to capitalize on theSesame Streetname.
1st Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 1)
(May 10, 1969-November 21, 1983)
Nicknames: "The Plaque", "CTW Plaque", "The Still Plaque"
Logo: We have 2 still images. Still image 1 was of a regular on the show (sometimes more than one) (i.e. Big Bird, Oscar, Susan, Gordon, Bob, etc.) holding up theSesame Streettitle logo, which was a rectangular street sign in dark green and had a yellow border. Some small text in a semi-circle above the rectangle read CTW, which stands for "Children's Television Workshop". Still image 2 featured another regular, (again, sometimes more than one, sometimes none at all), holding up a fancy-looking plaque made of marble. The name:
appears in blue, black, or pale green in front of the plaque. The text was written more sloppy for a long time, but starting around 1979, it was written more neatly. Initially, this would be done in front of a blue background, but around 1976, it was switched to a random outdoor location (such as Central Park, the 123 Sesame Street apartment steps, etc.).
Trivia: The plaque used in this logo also appears throughout the beginning and ending segments with Kermit the Frog and Rowlf the Dog in the Sesame Street Pitch Reel. At the end of the last scene, the camera zooms up to the plaque.
Availability: While 1969-1983 (Seasons 1-Season 14)Sesame Streetepisodes are no longer aired on TV, this logo can be found on theSesame Street: Old SchoolDVD box sets.
Scare Factor: Depending all on the variant used, but minimal for the most part.
2nd Logo (The Electric CompanyCustom Logo)
Nickname: "The Electric Company Logo"
Logo: On episodes ofThe Electric Company, the closing credits always featured the animated opening title to the show, in which the logo is seen in a cloud-like shape which in turn is seen with several cloud-like shapes and a box that's connected to both sides of the screen. The words "THE ELECTRIC COMPANY" wave, wiggle, and change to the words "THECHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" in orange. Afterwards, the box-like shape would open up and allow the CTW logo to wiggle away.
FX/SFX: The words changing/zooming away, the box opening up. Typical Scanimate effects.
Cheesy Factor: This logo is a very obvious product of the 1970s, with the tie-dye-ish design of the box and the clouds and the pattern seen on the words inside.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The closing theme was usually heard, and a character from the TV show would always say, "The Electric Companygets its power from...the Children's Television Workshop."
Availability: Although the originalThe Electric Companyis no longer on TV, the logo can be found on the show's two "best of" DVDs, released in 2006.
Scare Factor: Minimal. Some may be rattled by the logo design and the voice-over, but it's a pretty funky logo overall.
3rd Logo
(1978-1983, 1988-1989)
Nicknames: "The Orange Snake", "The (Orange) CTW Snake," "The CTW Box", "Cheesy CTW"
Logo: On a black background, four verticalorangerectangles appear in the center of the screen and start transforming into the letters in "ctw" simultaneously. The rectangle on the left stretches slightly to the right and left until it forms a square, then curves to the top and bottom to form a "c". The rectangle in the middle stretches on all sides vertically and horizontally until it resembles a cross with the top right corner slightly bent, then the bottom side stretches out some more and curves to the right to form a lower case "t". The two rectangles on the far right stretch in opposite horizontal directions until they connect each other in the middle with a bend in one of the quadrilateral corners for emphasis. The two quadrilaterals, along with the middle right corner of the "t", stretch to the bottom to form the "w". The small blue text
appears in the top left corner where the "t" and "w" connect.
FX/SFX: The rectangles stretching.
Cheesy Factor: The cel animation is a bit cheesy, especially in the videotaped variant.
Music/Sounds: A pitter-pattery synthesizer tune which sounds like outer-space music, and once the logo completes, we hear a "ding" at the end to mark the appearance of the "Children's Television Workshop" text. This typically accompanied the videotaped variant.
Music/SoundVariant: OnChristmas Eve on Sesame Street, we hear a dreamy 8-note tune accompanied by bells and strings. This was used with the filmed variant of the logo.
Availability: Extremely rare/near extinction; It used to be on the first 2 seasons of3-2-1 Contact, but was plastered with the Sesame Workshop "House of Boredom" logo on 2000-2003 airings on Noggin. DVD releases ofChristmas Eve on Sesame Streethave also deleted it. However, this can be found on older Random House VHS prints ofChristmas Eve on Sesame Street(Sony Wonder VHS prints replace it with the next logo and DVD releases have no logos). It also might just happen to pop up on a few VHS and DVD releases of3-2-1 Contact, unless plastered with a newer logo.
Scare Factor: Medium, due to its cheesy animation, creepy electronic music, and the dark environment. The design of the logo wasn't the easiest to look at either. The Christmas variant is slightly tamer, though. Some may like both variants for their atmosphere. But it's not as bad as the next one...
4th Logo

<embed height="202" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" wmode="transparent"/><embed height="202" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "Sparks", "Sparks of Doom", "The CTW Sparks", "Tinnitus Sparks", "Cheesy CTW II", "Cheesy Sparks"
Logo: On a black background, a spark flies across the top left corner of the screen, writing the word "CHILDREN'S" in blue. It shifts to the middle left cornerand writes "TELEVISION". Then it shifts to the bottom left corner and writes "WORKSHOP". A ray of light flies from the bottom of the screen and "explodes". The logo "glitters". All the words are written in ITC Busorama.
5th Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 2)
Logo: Superimposed on the screen is an outline of the Sesame Street logo in orange, yellow, or white (the position varies depending on the episode). This is followed by the CTW logo in its usual font, in that same color.
Variant: Some episodes have the CTW logo horizontally arranged (similar to the next custom logo).
FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The logos appearing and disappearing. Very simple and crude effects.
Music/Sounds: Same as the firstSesame Streetcustom logo.
Availability: Extremely rare/near extinction; this was used for a short time, and can be found at the end ofSesame Streetepisodes from the time period, though their usually not reran anymore in favor of more recent episodes. There's a next-to-nothing chance these episodes will be reran, and if so, will either be intact, plastered, or cut out. Check your old tapes!
Scare Factor: None.
6th Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 3)
Logo: Superimposed on the screen (moving or not), we see the Sesame Street logo flipping in (the position varies depending on the episode). This is followed by the white words "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" in its usual font sliding in one by one.
FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The flipping and sliding. Once again, pretty simple effects, but they're better than the previous logo.
Music/Sounds: Same as before synced up to the animation of the sliding words.
Logo captures bymr3urious, V of Doom, snelfu, Muzzarino, Mr. Logo Lord, CaptinFalconFan2000, and TheEriccorpinc
Editions byV of Doom, Muzzarino and CuriousGeorge60
Background: Children's Television Workshop was founded in 1968 by Joan Ganz Cooney to create the critically-acclaimed children's showSesame Street. Until 2000, CTW has produced shows such as3-2-1 Contact,Square One,Cro,Ghostwriter,The Electric Company,Big Bag,Dragon Tales, and many other edutainment titles. In 2000, the company was renamed to "Sesame Workshop" to symbolize their move beyond producing just television shows and to capitalize on theSesame Streetname.
1st Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 1)
(May 10, 1969-November 21, 1983)
Nicknames: "The Plaque", "CTW Plaque", "The Still Plaque"
Logo: We have 2 still images. Still image 1 was of a regular on the show (sometimes more than one) (i.e. Big Bird, Oscar, Susan, Gordon, Bob, etc.) holding up theSesame Streettitle logo, which was a rectangular street sign in dark green and had a yellow border. Some small text in a semi-circle above the rectangle read CTW, which stands for "Children's Television Workshop". Still image 2 featured another regular, (again, sometimes more than one, sometimes none at all), holding up a fancy-looking plaque made of marble. The name:
appears in blue, black, or pale green in front of the plaque. The text was written more sloppy for a long time, but starting around 1979, it was written more neatly. Initially, this would be done in front of a blue background, but around 1976, it was switched to a random outdoor location (such as Central Park, the 123 Sesame Street apartment steps, etc.).
- A version exists where the copyright date flashes below (this was primarily used in the 1970-71 season).
- On the first pilot episode, the realSesame Streetsign was used instead.
- The beginning ofBig Bird in Chinahad the words "THE CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" written in an Asian-style font with a Chinese text translation on the right, all on a red background.
- On 1976-1977 episodes ofSesamstraat, the logo is in a cursive font and there's no plaque.
Trivia: The plaque used in this logo also appears throughout the beginning and ending segments with Kermit the Frog and Rowlf the Dog in the Sesame Street Pitch Reel. At the end of the last scene, the camera zooms up to the plaque.
FX/SFX: None.
Cheesy Factor: About as cheesy as a static logo can get.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The closing of theSesame Streetcredits theme plays, as a randomSScharacter says "Sesame Streetis a production of the Children's Television Workshop".
Cheesy Factor: About as cheesy as a static logo can get.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The closing of theSesame Streetcredits theme plays, as a randomSScharacter says "Sesame Streetis a production of the Children's Television Workshop".
Music/Sounds/Voice-over Variants:
- On Episode 666, Bert adds a weary "Good night" at the end.
- Episode 406 features Cookie Monster, after saying the line, adding "...whatever that is."
- Episode 810 has Count von Count adding "Ah ah ah, bye-bye!" after saying the spiel.
- When Maria would announce the sponsors, she would typically add "Adios!" after saying the line.
- On Episode 4, after the voice-over was heard, Oscar adds, "You call this a production? It looks like it was produced by Big Bird! Talk about eggs!"
- On Episode TBA, 2 people (Old Man and Woman) say the voice-over and the old man says "The Children's Television Workshop? I didn't know that." After that, the woman chuckles.
Availability: While 1969-1983 (Seasons 1-Season 14)Sesame Streetepisodes are no longer aired on TV, this logo can be found on theSesame Street: Old SchoolDVD box sets.
Scare Factor: Depending all on the variant used, but minimal for the most part.
2nd Logo (The Electric CompanyCustom Logo)
Nickname: "The Electric Company Logo"
Logo: On episodes ofThe Electric Company, the closing credits always featured the animated opening title to the show, in which the logo is seen in a cloud-like shape which in turn is seen with several cloud-like shapes and a box that's connected to both sides of the screen. The words "THE ELECTRIC COMPANY" wave, wiggle, and change to the words "THECHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" in orange. Afterwards, the box-like shape would open up and allow the CTW logo to wiggle away.
- On seasons 1-2, this logo was just two stills of "THE ELECTRIC COMPANY" and "THE CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" in the cloud-shape. The text was also in white.
- On Episode 290, as the words "The Electric Company" transition into "The Children's Television Workshop", a series of four blue Scanimated lightning bolts (which appeared during the opening title graphic) converged toward the center and then retracted; once the voiceover said "The Children's Television Workshop", the logo stayed on screen a few seconds longer than usual, then immediately cut away to the copyright slide; the box did not open up, and the words did not disappear into the center of the screen.
FX/SFX: The words changing/zooming away, the box opening up. Typical Scanimate effects.
Cheesy Factor: This logo is a very obvious product of the 1970s, with the tie-dye-ish design of the box and the clouds and the pattern seen on the words inside.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The closing theme was usually heard, and a character from the TV show would always say, "The Electric Companygets its power from...the Children's Television Workshop."
Availability: Although the originalThe Electric Companyis no longer on TV, the logo can be found on the show's two "best of" DVDs, released in 2006.
Scare Factor: Minimal. Some may be rattled by the logo design and the voice-over, but it's a pretty funky logo overall.
3rd Logo
(1978-1983, 1988-1989)
<iframe frameborder="0" height="189" src="" width="297"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="185" src="" width="327"></iframe>
Nicknames: "The Orange Snake", "The (Orange) CTW Snake," "The CTW Box", "Cheesy CTW"
Logo: On a black background, four verticalorangerectangles appear in the center of the screen and start transforming into the letters in "ctw" simultaneously. The rectangle on the left stretches slightly to the right and left until it forms a square, then curves to the top and bottom to form a "c". The rectangle in the middle stretches on all sides vertically and horizontally until it resembles a cross with the top right corner slightly bent, then the bottom side stretches out some more and curves to the right to form a lower case "t". The two rectangles on the far right stretch in opposite horizontal directions until they connect each other in the middle with a bend in one of the quadrilateral corners for emphasis. The two quadrilaterals, along with the middle right corner of the "t", stretch to the bottom to form the "w". The small blue text
appears in the top left corner where the "t" and "w" connect.
- On the first two seasons of3-2-1 Contact, the closing logo is still (the animated version appeared at the beginning as an opening logo).
- There was a filmed variant where the forming-rectangle animation was much slower, and among finishing, the blue text appears above it. The videotaped variant as seen on3-2-1 Contactspeeds up the forming animation, then freezes on the finished "CTW" logo for a few seconds until the "Children's Television Workshop" text appears above it.
- Some early episodes of3-2-1 Contacthad the 'CTW' words in a pinkish-red color and the "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" text in bright green (though this could be from film quality).
- An in-credit version appears on the 1979 10th anniversary special,A Walking Tour of Sesame Street.
- Another in-credit version appears with the NOS logo in blue on 1988 episodes ofSesamstraat.
- There is a still version on a navy blue background where the logo is orange, has a white outline, and is still. Below is the text "a public service message from NBC". This variant is seen on the 1982 NBC PSA,Betcha Don't Know.
FX/SFX: The rectangles stretching.
Cheesy Factor: The cel animation is a bit cheesy, especially in the videotaped variant.
Music/Sounds: A pitter-pattery synthesizer tune which sounds like outer-space music, and once the logo completes, we hear a "ding" at the end to mark the appearance of the "Children's Television Workshop" text. This typically accompanied the videotaped variant.
Music/SoundVariant: OnChristmas Eve on Sesame Street, we hear a dreamy 8-note tune accompanied by bells and strings. This was used with the filmed variant of the logo.
Availability: Extremely rare/near extinction; It used to be on the first 2 seasons of3-2-1 Contact, but was plastered with the Sesame Workshop "House of Boredom" logo on 2000-2003 airings on Noggin. DVD releases ofChristmas Eve on Sesame Streethave also deleted it. However, this can be found on older Random House VHS prints ofChristmas Eve on Sesame Street(Sony Wonder VHS prints replace it with the next logo and DVD releases have no logos). It also might just happen to pop up on a few VHS and DVD releases of3-2-1 Contact, unless plastered with a newer logo.
Scare Factor: Medium, due to its cheesy animation, creepy electronic music, and the dark environment. The design of the logo wasn't the easiest to look at either. The Christmas variant is slightly tamer, though. Some may like both variants for their atmosphere. But it's not as bad as the next one...
4th Logo

<embed height="202" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" wmode="transparent"/><embed height="202" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "Sparks", "Sparks of Doom", "The CTW Sparks", "Tinnitus Sparks", "Cheesy CTW II", "Cheesy Sparks"
Logo: On a black background, a spark flies across the top left corner of the screen, writing the word "CHILDREN'S" in blue. It shifts to the middle left cornerand writes "TELEVISION". Then it shifts to the bottom left corner and writes "WORKSHOP". A ray of light flies from the bottom of the screen and "explodes". The logo "glitters". All the words are written in ITC Busorama.
FX/SFX: The spark writing the words, the ray of light flying and "exploding", and the "glittering" of the text.
Cheesy Factor: This logo is probably more cheesy than the 3rd logo, because the way the spark scrolls and come back flashing seems very cheesy, almost like a real sparkler used against a blue screen, and the light from the bottom looks like a laser, and the electronic sounds are certainly amongst what a stereotypical 1980s logo would sound like as well.
Music/Sounds: 3 electronic keyboard scales quickly descending, each one heard over the spark animations forming each word, followed by a laser zap.
Availability:Rare; it used to be on3-2-1Contact, variousSesame Streetproductions (not including the main series itself) and a few other shows from the company, but the "House of Boredom" logo has plastered itself to most older CTW shows when they were reran on Noggin. However, this logo can be found on older 1980s and early 1990sSesame Streetand3-2-1 Contacttapes, and the "ascending bells" variant was spotted on a DVD release ofSesame Street's 25th Birthday: A Musical Celebration.It's longevity is amazing, having being used for 14 years and surviving into the late '90s when CGI was dominating.
Scare Factor: Depending on the variant:
- On3-2-1 Contactand the first season ofBig Bag, the logo is already formed. The latter also featured the end "glittering" animation on the logo. This variant was (surprisingly) also found at the end of a PBS airing ofElmo Says BOO!
- OnSesame StreetVHS releases fromRandom House Home Video, this fades to theMy Sesame Street Home Videologo when finished.
- On 1993 video releases ofPlaza Sésamo, the logo is shown on the bottom right of the screen with the Televisa logo at the top left. On 1995 episodes, both logos are in 3D and sometimes spin around each other.
- On non-USA airings ofKoki, there is an in-credit variant.
- On a 1988 pledge-drive special ofSesame Street(later released on video asPut Down the Duckie), the logo is superimposed over the end of the final scene.
- A rare still variant on a dark blue background can be seen at the end ofDon't Eat the Pictures: Sesame Street at the Metropolitan Museum of Artfrom 1983.
- On CD-ROM games (such asSesame Street LettersandSesame Street Numbers), the logo is white and is still. This variant uses a black background, butSesame Street Art Workshopused a maroon background (due to a color scheme error). The logo is pixelated on most games, but is sometimes in HD.
- Sesame Street Numbersuses the CD-ROM variant (due to it being a CD-ROM game) however after a couple seconds the logo folds up and the camera zooms out to reveal that it is on a balloon, which, with a few other balloons, carries up Elmo (who is holding the balloons) and reveals the game's title card.
FX/SFX: The spark writing the words, the ray of light flying and "exploding", and the "glittering" of the text.
Cheesy Factor: This logo is probably more cheesy than the 3rd logo, because the way the spark scrolls and come back flashing seems very cheesy, almost like a real sparkler used against a blue screen, and the light from the bottom looks like a laser, and the electronic sounds are certainly amongst what a stereotypical 1980s logo would sound like as well.
Music/Sounds: 3 electronic keyboard scales quickly descending, each one heard over the spark animations forming each word, followed by a laser zap.
- OnThe Best of Elmo, a series of ascending bells ending with a "clang" sound is used instead.
- The still variant at the end ofBig Bagfeatures the end of the show's closing theme.
- OnSesame Streetgames for the View-Master Interactive Vision, the logo is silent.
- The CD-ROM variant uses the opening theme of the game, howeverSesame Street LettersandSesame Street Numbersuse the original 1969-1992Sesame Streettheme song.
Scare Factor: Depending on the variant:
- Original Version: Medium to high. The electronic music and light effects are bound to get quite a few. Also, it's an absolute eyesore for some people who don't like black backgrounds.
- The Best of ElmoVariant: Low; the music, while loud, is less scary, but the visual effects are still a bit ominous.
- Still Variant: None to low.
- Silent Variant: Absolutely none.
5th Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 2)
Logo: Superimposed on the screen is an outline of the Sesame Street logo in orange, yellow, or white (the position varies depending on the episode). This is followed by the CTW logo in its usual font, in that same color.
Variant: Some episodes have the CTW logo horizontally arranged (similar to the next custom logo).
FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The logos appearing and disappearing. Very simple and crude effects.
Music/Sounds: Same as the firstSesame Streetcustom logo.
Availability: Extremely rare/near extinction; this was used for a short time, and can be found at the end ofSesame Streetepisodes from the time period, though their usually not reran anymore in favor of more recent episodes. There's a next-to-nothing chance these episodes will be reran, and if so, will either be intact, plastered, or cut out. Check your old tapes!
Scare Factor: None.
6th Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 3)
Logo: Superimposed on the screen (moving or not), we see the Sesame Street logo flipping in (the position varies depending on the episode). This is followed by the white words "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" in its usual font sliding in one by one.
- On episodes 2164, 2404, and 2749, the realSesame Streetsign takes the place of the animated one.
- On episode 2782, which featured a parody ofWide World of SportscalledWide World of Sesame Street, the SS logo is displayed on the model globe used in the show, and the usual CTW text slides in below it as usual.
- Beginning in Season 24 in November 1992, this would not be seen on Fridays, asSesame Streethad introduced a new closing credit sequence for then.
- On episode 2929 (and its repeat, episode 3184), a big Sesame Street logo flips in at the bottom, with the CTW text appearing at the top.
FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The flipping and sliding. Once again, pretty simple effects, but they're better than the previous logo.
Music/Sounds: Same as before synced up to the animation of the sliding words.
Music/Sounds variants: On episodes 3058 and 3093 (and their repeats, 3281 and 3288, respectively), there is the sound of a spring popping as the Sesame Street sign flips in, and 3 whooshing sounds as the words "Children's Television Workshop" slide in.
Availability: Rare/near extinction. Seen at the end of olderSesame Streetepisodes of the era, but they're usually aren't reran anymore in favor of more recent ones. There's a fairly slim chance they'll be aired again, and this will be intact, replaced, or cut off if so. Either way, check your old tapes and DVR recordings!
Scare Factor: None.
7th Logo (Square One TVCustom Logo 1)
Logo: On various backgrounds, the Square One TV logo flies around the screen then immediately disappears as a copyright notice appears. A few seconds later, the Square One TV goes in random until it reaches the center of the screen. Less than a second later, the Children's Television Workshop appears zooming out plastering the Square One portion of the logo. Thus, the logo reads "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP TELEVISION."
FX/SFX: The logo flying and going in random, and the CTW logo zooming out.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The final eight seconds of theSquare One TVtheme song (from Seasons 1-3) with Cynthia Darlow saying "100% ofSquare One TVis a production of the Children's Television Workshop." Her announcement is followed by a kid chorus shouting "SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE ONE!"
Availability: Very rare. Seen at the end of olderSquare One TVepisodes of the era.While they're almost never reran, VHS tapes should retain this
Scare Factor: Low.
8th Logo (Square One TVCustom Logo 2)
Logo: On a black and white checkered background, the Square One TV logo zooms in with a copyright notice fading in. Afterwards, it immediately cuts from the CTW logo in pink, to a fully checkered board logo zooming out, revealing the Square One TV logo, turning itself to the right and facing the viewer.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The closing bars of the Season 4-5Square One TVtheme song with Cynthia Darlow saying "100% ofSquare One TVis a production of the Children's Television Workshop." followed by a female chorus singing "SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE ONE!"
Availability: Extremely rare. Seen at the end of laterSquare One TVepisodes of the era. Again, VHS tapes should retain it.
Scare Factor: Low, the chorus may startle some.
9th Logo (MathnetCustom Logo)
Logo: On a blue background, we see the Mathnet seal radial wiping in with it's slogan "to congitate and to solve." fading in.
Variant: Sometimes the logo just appears as a still image. It would usually fade-to the CTW logo.
FX/SFX: The wiping in, and the slogan fading in.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: Just Cynthia Darlow saying "100% ofMathnetis a production of the Children's Television Workshop." Sometimes, after her announcement, George Frankly would laugh.
Availability: Extremely rare. The original version was seen onMathnet1-Hour Specials, but was retained on VHS releases of "The Case of the Unnatural" and Despair in "Monterey Bay." The still variant with the CTW logo was seen on ACME Crime Net prints of "The Case of the Unnatural" and "The Calpurnian Kugel Caper".
Scare Factor: Low.
10th Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 4)
Logo: This is incorporated into the original version of the 1992-2006Sesame Streetclosing credit sequence. After the credit scroll, we come across an animated version of
the familiarSesame Streetsign flipping in against a cloudy sky with buildings. Big Bird (live-action; Muppetered by Caroll Spinney) walks by and says the usual end spiel as the words "Children's Television Workshop" in white with black outlines is wiped in.
FX/SFX: The animated sign and the live-action Big Bird walking by, all done by regular series animator Joey Ahlbum.
Availability: Rare/near extinction. Seen at the end of olderSesame Streetepisodes of the era, but they're usually aren't reran anymore in favor of more recent ones. There's a fairly slim chance they'll be aired again, and this will be intact, replaced, or cut off if so. Either way, check your old tapes and DVR recordings!
Scare Factor: None.
7th Logo (Square One TVCustom Logo 1)
Logo: On various backgrounds, the Square One TV logo flies around the screen then immediately disappears as a copyright notice appears. A few seconds later, the Square One TV goes in random until it reaches the center of the screen. Less than a second later, the Children's Television Workshop appears zooming out plastering the Square One portion of the logo. Thus, the logo reads "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP TELEVISION."
- For the first season only, the CTW logo text is blue on a black background. For the final two seasons of this sequence, it was changed to a purple background with white text.
- In early episodes ofSquare One TV, as well as Friday episodes, the logo would already begin at the copyright screen.
FX/SFX: The logo flying and going in random, and the CTW logo zooming out.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The final eight seconds of theSquare One TVtheme song (from Seasons 1-3) with Cynthia Darlow saying "100% ofSquare One TVis a production of the Children's Television Workshop." Her announcement is followed by a kid chorus shouting "SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE ONE!"
Availability: Very rare. Seen at the end of olderSquare One TVepisodes of the era.While they're almost never reran, VHS tapes should retain this
Scare Factor: Low.
8th Logo (Square One TVCustom Logo 2)
Logo: On a black and white checkered background, the Square One TV logo zooms in with a copyright notice fading in. Afterwards, it immediately cuts from the CTW logo in pink, to a fully checkered board logo zooming out, revealing the Square One TV logo, turning itself to the right and facing the viewer.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The closing bars of the Season 4-5Square One TVtheme song with Cynthia Darlow saying "100% ofSquare One TVis a production of the Children's Television Workshop." followed by a female chorus singing "SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE ONE!"
Availability: Extremely rare. Seen at the end of laterSquare One TVepisodes of the era. Again, VHS tapes should retain it.
Scare Factor: Low, the chorus may startle some.
9th Logo (MathnetCustom Logo)
<embed align="right" allowfullscreen="true" height="211" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="266" wmode="transparent"/>
Logo: On a blue background, we see the Mathnet seal radial wiping in with it's slogan "to congitate and to solve." fading in.
Variant: Sometimes the logo just appears as a still image. It would usually fade-to the CTW logo.
FX/SFX: The wiping in, and the slogan fading in.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: Just Cynthia Darlow saying "100% ofMathnetis a production of the Children's Television Workshop." Sometimes, after her announcement, George Frankly would laugh.
Availability: Extremely rare. The original version was seen onMathnet1-Hour Specials, but was retained on VHS releases of "The Case of the Unnatural" and Despair in "Monterey Bay." The still variant with the CTW logo was seen on ACME Crime Net prints of "The Case of the Unnatural" and "The Calpurnian Kugel Caper".
Scare Factor: Low.
10th Logo (Sesame StreetCustom Logo 4)
Logo: This is incorporated into the original version of the 1992-2006Sesame Streetclosing credit sequence. After the credit scroll, we come across an animated version of

FX/SFX: The animated sign and the live-action Big Bird walking by, all done by regular series animator Joey Ahlbum.
Cheesy Factor: The 2-D animation/live-action blend is pretty good, especially for the early '90s, but there is something worth noting. Before we see the Sesame Street logo flip to reveal "Children's Television Workshop" with Big Bird, there is a yellow sign with the words "CTW provides partial funding for Sesame Street through its self-support activities." When the camera pans up to reveal the Sesame Street logo, the text seems to slide down at a different pace unlike the sign, and it seems to be plastered onto every frame during this transition (like a piece of construction paper, think the 1975Paramount Televisionlogo). Also, if you pause at the exact moment from the transition from the dancing kids to the yellow sign, the text appears before the yellow sign.
Music/Sounds: Just the hip-hop remix of theSesame Streettheme as Big Bird says "Sesame Streetis a production of the Children's Television Workshop.".
Availability: Rare/near extinction. Seen on several Sesame Street episodes from the time period starting with episode 3010 from Season 24, mostly ones that initially aired on Fridays, though some season premieres (such as episode 3786, containing the debut of "Elmo's World") would feature this credit sequence. CTW abolished this logo around 2000 when they renamed themselves as Sesame Workshop, and shortened the credit sequence as a result. Even after CTW changed its name to Sesame Workshop, this was still intact when episodes were reran on Noggin. Nowadays newer episodes are being reran over these, but it should be intact if they are reran.
Scare Factor: None, but it may increase on Season 30-31 episodes since the "purple static" in-credit logo follows the sequence.
11th Logo (CroCustom Logo)
Nicknames: "The Rolling Stone", "The Cro Logo", "Prehistoric CTW"
Logo: We see two pink boulders against a blue background; one is round, while the other is in the shape of an inverted triangle. Both have cracks and niches in them. From
the screen's right, we see a third pink boulder in the shape of a square rolling in. It bumps into the second boulder, and all three boulders crumble apart slightly; each one forms a letter: the first one forms "C",the second forms"T"and the third one forms"W."Copyright information fades in at the bottom of the screen.
FX/SFX: The boulders rolling and breaking. This was produced byFilm Roman(who also producedCro).
Music/Sounds: First we hear several descending trumpet notes, then the sound of the boulders crumbling, and then an ascending four-note piano jingle accompanied by a descending four-note trumpet jingle.
Availability: Extremely rare. Only used onCro, which is hardly ever rerun nowadays and is only available on VHS, the DVD has the Sesame Workshop logo instead.
Scare Factor: Minimal. This logo is rather cute, but the huge boulders/jagged "CTW" design may turn some people off.
12th Logo (Square One TV Math TalkCustom Logo 3)
Logo: Against an animated purple BG with a white copyright notice below, and after theSquare One TV Math Talklogo appears, the CTW logo from logo 4 (in white) slides
in word-by-word and in the correct order, from the left, right, and left sides of the screen, respectively. This is succeeded by the funding credits.
FX/SFX: Just the letters sliding in.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The end theme toSquare One TV Math Talk(an upbeat tune with horns) with Cynthia Darlow saying "Square One TV Math Talkis a production of the Children's Television Workshop.".
Availability: Extremely rare; seen on tapes ofSquare One TV Math Talk(a spin-off ofSquare One TVused for instructing teachers), which is hardly, if ever, aired on TV.
Scare Factor: None.
13th Logo (GhostwriterCustom Logo)
Logo: On a black BG in the center of the screen, the Ghostwriter from the show of the same name appears (in yellow) and flies across the top of the screen from left to right, wiping in the words "Ghostwriter" (in green, and in the show's font) with "is produced by" below it (in red). Then, all of a sudden, the "W" and "T" in "writer", as well as the "C" in "produced" drop out, swirl around, and form a large "CTW" in the colors you see here, shoving the rest of the words off the screen. Ghostwriter then flies across the screen from right to left, wiping in the words "in association withBBCTELEVISION" ("BBC" being displayed as its familiar logo from the time) below that.
Variant: Later episodes do not have the BBC info.
FX/SFX: The text being formed, as well as Ghostwriter himself. Pretty standard 2D effects.
Music/Sounds: A funky bass/synth guitar tune, as well as scribbling sounds as the words are being formed.
Availability: Very rare. Seen at the end ofGhostwriteron select PBS stations. Perhaps retained on the DVD.
Scare Factor: None to minimal.
14th Logo
Logo: On a shady cyan background, we see a yellow semi-circle (the same one from the Sesame Street logo) turned on its bottom side with the red letters "C", "T", and "W" positioned from left to right. The"C"bounces on the semicircle, making it slant to the left. Then the"T"twists in a slight angle around while the"W"bounces. Thesemicircle rebounds to its original position, then the three letters bounce together, pushing the semicircle to the ground. The semicircle bounces up and rotates a few times before settling into a position halfway up the screen. The text "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" comes from underneath the semicircle in yellow. The three letters flip in the air and land on the face of the semicircle. The sign bounces once more as the text "PLAY IT SMART" appears below in black.
FX/SFX: Very nice CGI from Pittard Sullivan (which also animated HBO's 1998Feature Presentationbumper)!
Music/Sounds: A horn playing a tune that starts out similar to "Sailor's Hornpipe", accompanied by bouncing sound effects.
In-credit Music Variants: The in-credit variants have two themes:
Availability: Extremely rare; though this logo was sort of common in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it has since become increasingly rare and hard to find. It was seen on Seasons 29-31 (1997-2000) episodes ofSesame Street(later airings of theseSesame Streetepisodes have this plastered over with the "House Of Boredom"),laterBig Bagepisodes, and a few episodes ofDragon Tales(most episodes have the 1st Sesame Workshop logo instead). The early version can be found on the VHS releases ofElmopalooza,Cinderelmo(the DVD release also has the logo intact),andElmo's World. Also appears on the gamesElmo's Letter AdventureandElmo's Number Journeyfor thePlayStationandNintendo 64. It is also available on the DVD release ofDragon Tales: Adventures in Dragon Land. TheZhima Jiein-credit variant is extinct to the point of nearing lost status, as there is only one surviving clip (albeit in poor quality) of the co-production on YouTube that happens to have the closing credits (which means that a possible Sesame Workshop in-credit variant is completely lost). TheSesame Street: Unpavedvariant is extremely rare and only appears on the 1999 special of the same name that aired on Noggin (now Nick Jr.) which will probably never air on TV again, but can be found online.
Scare Factor: Depending on the variant:
15th Logo
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="202" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="244" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "CTW Car", "The CTW Semicircle II"
FX/SFX: 2D animation produced by The Ink Tank in New York.
Music/Sounds: A bouncy piano tune, and a crowd of adults talking when the letters get off.
Availability: Unknown. This was a test logo slated to appear at the end ofThe Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland, but it never made it to the film theatrically nor on video.
Scare Factor: None; this is another cute logo.
Availability: Rare/near extinction. Seen on several Sesame Street episodes from the time period starting with episode 3010 from Season 24, mostly ones that initially aired on Fridays, though some season premieres (such as episode 3786, containing the debut of "Elmo's World") would feature this credit sequence. CTW abolished this logo around 2000 when they renamed themselves as Sesame Workshop, and shortened the credit sequence as a result. Even after CTW changed its name to Sesame Workshop, this was still intact when episodes were reran on Noggin. Nowadays newer episodes are being reran over these, but it should be intact if they are reran.
Scare Factor: None, but it may increase on Season 30-31 episodes since the "purple static" in-credit logo follows the sequence.
11th Logo (CroCustom Logo)
Nicknames: "The Rolling Stone", "The Cro Logo", "Prehistoric CTW"
Logo: We see two pink boulders against a blue background; one is round, while the other is in the shape of an inverted triangle. Both have cracks and niches in them. From

FX/SFX: The boulders rolling and breaking. This was produced byFilm Roman(who also producedCro).
Music/Sounds: First we hear several descending trumpet notes, then the sound of the boulders crumbling, and then an ascending four-note piano jingle accompanied by a descending four-note trumpet jingle.
Availability: Extremely rare. Only used onCro, which is hardly ever rerun nowadays and is only available on VHS, the DVD has the Sesame Workshop logo instead.
Scare Factor: Minimal. This logo is rather cute, but the huge boulders/jagged "CTW" design may turn some people off.
12th Logo (Square One TV Math TalkCustom Logo 3)
Logo: Against an animated purple BG with a white copyright notice below, and after theSquare One TV Math Talklogo appears, the CTW logo from logo 4 (in white) slides

FX/SFX: Just the letters sliding in.
Music/Sounds/Voice-over: The end theme toSquare One TV Math Talk(an upbeat tune with horns) with Cynthia Darlow saying "Square One TV Math Talkis a production of the Children's Television Workshop.".
Availability: Extremely rare; seen on tapes ofSquare One TV Math Talk(a spin-off ofSquare One TVused for instructing teachers), which is hardly, if ever, aired on TV.
Scare Factor: None.
13th Logo (GhostwriterCustom Logo)
Logo: On a black BG in the center of the screen, the Ghostwriter from the show of the same name appears (in yellow) and flies across the top of the screen from left to right, wiping in the words "Ghostwriter" (in green, and in the show's font) with "is produced by" below it (in red). Then, all of a sudden, the "W" and "T" in "writer", as well as the "C" in "produced" drop out, swirl around, and form a large "CTW" in the colors you see here, shoving the rest of the words off the screen. Ghostwriter then flies across the screen from right to left, wiping in the words "in association withBBCTELEVISION" ("BBC" being displayed as its familiar logo from the time) below that.
Variant: Later episodes do not have the BBC info.
FX/SFX: The text being formed, as well as Ghostwriter himself. Pretty standard 2D effects.
Music/Sounds: A funky bass/synth guitar tune, as well as scribbling sounds as the words are being formed.
Availability: Very rare. Seen at the end ofGhostwriteron select PBS stations. Perhaps retained on the DVD.
Scare Factor: None to minimal.
14th Logo
<embed height="225" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="279" wmode="transparent"/>
- Original Version: "The Bouncing Letters","Play it Smart", "The Sailors' Hornpipe Logo", "The CTW Semicircle"
- Earlier In-Credit Variant: "The Curtain", "Big Bird's Goodbye", "Toodle-loo!"
- Later In-Credit Variant: "Purple Static", "Purple Static from Hell", "Big Bird's Goodbye II", "Evil Big Bird", "Toodle-loo! II"
- Sesame Street: Unpaved Variant:"The Sign", "The Sesame Street Sign"
Logo: On a shady cyan background, we see a yellow semi-circle (the same one from the Sesame Street logo) turned on its bottom side with the red letters "C", "T", and "W" positioned from left to right. The"C"bounces on the semicircle, making it slant to the left. Then the"T"twists in a slight angle around while the"W"bounces. Thesemicircle rebounds to its original position, then the three letters bounce together, pushing the semicircle to the ground. The semicircle bounces up and rotates a few times before settling into a position halfway up the screen. The text "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" comes from underneath the semicircle in yellow. The three letters flip in the air and land on the face of the semicircle. The sign bounces once more as the text "PLAY IT SMART" appears below in black.
- There was an early version of this logo without "PLAY IT SMART". Also, the shadow still appears behind "CTW" after the logo forms.
- A still version of this logo was seen on Nintendo 64 versions ofElmo's Letter AdventureandElmo's Number Journey.
- On 1998/1999 episodes ofPlaza Sésamo, a picture of the logo flies around with the Televisa logo.
- OnZhima Jieepisodes of the era, there is an in-credit version (with no semicircle) with what is presumably a Chinese-translated version of theSesame Streetin-credit version. Below the show's name, "(CTW)" is among Chinese text, and as the credits scroll down, another "CTW" is shown after more Chinese text and the copyright date.
- On 1995-1996 episodes ofSesame Street, an in-credit version (without the semicircle) appears behind a blueish green curtain with copyright info around it. On 1998-1999 episodes, it appears on a purple static background, then slides to the left to show Big Bird saying, "toodle-loo!" before the fundings are announced. The text and music were both modified for the 2000 season, while everything else remained the same, although the variant ends to show corporate sponsors after Big Bird signs off. Although on later reruns of the 2000 season, they plastered over "Children's Television Workshop" and changed it to "Sesame Workshop". Everything else was the same.
- At the end of the 1999 Noggin specialSesame Street: Unpaved, the Sesame Street logo of the time appears on a white background with "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP" in black is underneath.
FX/SFX: Very nice CGI from Pittard Sullivan (which also animated HBO's 1998Feature Presentationbumper)!
Music/Sounds: A horn playing a tune that starts out similar to "Sailor's Hornpipe", accompanied by bouncing sound effects.
In-credit Music Variants: The in-credit variants have two themes:
- 1998-1999: A bombastic version of theSesame Streettheme.
- 1999-2000: A breathy 7-note synth tune.
Availability: Extremely rare; though this logo was sort of common in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it has since become increasingly rare and hard to find. It was seen on Seasons 29-31 (1997-2000) episodes ofSesame Street(later airings of theseSesame Streetepisodes have this plastered over with the "House Of Boredom"),laterBig Bagepisodes, and a few episodes ofDragon Tales(most episodes have the 1st Sesame Workshop logo instead). The early version can be found on the VHS releases ofElmopalooza,Cinderelmo(the DVD release also has the logo intact),andElmo's World. Also appears on the gamesElmo's Letter AdventureandElmo's Number Journeyfor thePlayStationandNintendo 64. It is also available on the DVD release ofDragon Tales: Adventures in Dragon Land. TheZhima Jiein-credit variant is extinct to the point of nearing lost status, as there is only one surviving clip (albeit in poor quality) of the co-production on YouTube that happens to have the closing credits (which means that a possible Sesame Workshop in-credit variant is completely lost). TheSesame Street: Unpavedvariant is extremely rare and only appears on the 1999 special of the same name that aired on Noggin (now Nick Jr.) which will probably never air on TV again, but can be found online.
Scare Factor: Depending on the variant:
- Original Variant: None; this is a cute logo (way better than the 4th logo).
- Both In-creditSesame StreetVariants: Low to medium. The large font for "Children's Television Workshop" and the music is somewhat bombastic and can frighten some kids, especially if they're caught off-guard.
- Sesame Street: UnpavedVariant: None.
15th Logo
(October 1, 1999)

Nicknames: "CTW Car", "The CTW Semicircle II"
Logo: On a light-blue background, we see the Children's Television Workshop semicircle from the previous logo on some wheels and then it stops. A door comes out of the logo and a bunch of letters come out of the semicircle, and form the words "CHILDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP". As we zoom out, the semicircle leaves and the letters get pushed up to form the logo as the semicircle re-appears.
FX/SFX: 2D animation produced by The Ink Tank in New York.
Music/Sounds: A bouncy piano tune, and a crowd of adults talking when the letters get off.
Availability: Unknown. This was a test logo slated to appear at the end ofThe Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland, but it never made it to the film theatrically nor on video.
Scare Factor: None; this is another cute logo.