Cinerama Filmgesellschaft (Germany)

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Logo description by MariluHennerArtist45
Logo capture by Gilblitz112
Video capture by Eric S.

1st Logo

Cinerama Filmgesellschaft MBH (1971)<embed height="203" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="242" wmode="transparent"/>

Logo: On a flax background, we see the "Rainbow C" from the regular Cinerama logo in navy blue fade in with the word "CINERAMA" in the space where the C ends. Underneath, the words "FILMGESELLSCHAFT MBH ZEIGT" appear.

FX/SFX: Simple animation

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Unknown. Possibly on international Cinerama releases. It was seen on the DVD of Una sull'altra.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(Mid 1970's)

Cinerama Filmgesellschaft (Germany) - CLG Wiki<embed height="218" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="218" wmode="transparent"/>

Logo: On a black background, we see the big red "C" letter fade in. It begins to produce shadow copies of itself to the left side, each copy brighter and eventually orange. At the same time, more copies appear to the right, colored in rainbow. Then the left half of the picture zooms in, and the word "CINERAMA" wipes itself at the center. Underneath, the words "FILMGESELLSCHAFT MBH ZEIGT" are wiped.

FX/SFX: The letters fading in.


Availability: Was seen onAlbino.

Editor's Note: Same as before.