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Logo descriptions by MylesMoss1996
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Editions by WetPaintLogo1993
1st logo
<iframe frameborder="0" height="206" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/ae1b5438776a90eb10c1ff3676a7d1f9bc69eba5" width="364"></iframe>
Logo: On a black background, we see a blue stylized silhouette of the human head. Then, lines appear over the head from bottom to top. The white, stylized word "DVS" fades in below the head. The lines disappear from bottom to top afterwards.
Trivia: TBA
FX/SFX: The lines appearing, the fading in.
Music/Sounds: A horn-driven fanfare.
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA
Photos by
Video captures by
Editions by WetPaintLogo1993
1st logo

Logo: On a black background, we see a blue stylized silhouette of the human head. Then, lines appear over the head from bottom to top. The white, stylized word "DVS" fades in below the head. The lines disappear from bottom to top afterwards.
Trivia: TBA
FX/SFX: The lines appearing, the fading in.
Music/Sounds: A horn-driven fanfare.
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA