EV Moving Screen

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Logo descriptions by HarvesmanMan
Photos by
Video captures by mk2dubster
Editions by HarvestmanMan

Background: This logo was found on YouTube with no source information.

1st logo

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="222" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/17e1d1f4444af3488dfff15b90cba36dbb4e6d77" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="271" wmode="transparent"/>

Logo: Four sparks shoot across the screen and form a green, yellow, red and blue horizontal ribbon, which waves around slowly. The ribbon then straightens out abruptly, and four more sparks shoot across the now-horizontally-straight ribbon. After the sparks shoot across, they reveal an italicized "EV" made out of green, yellow, red, and blue rhombus shapes. The words "ENTERTAINMENT IN VIDEO" appear in white after a flash at the top of the screen.

Trivia: TBA

FX/SFX/Cheesy Factor: The sparks, the waving of the banner, and the flash all reek of cheap 1980s animation. Horribly cheesy.

Music/Sounds: The logo opens with a dull, warbling chord. As the ribbon straightens out, choppy, unsegmented notes replace this chord, with a repeating up-and-down high-pitched series of notes when the flash occurs.

Availability: TBA

Scare Factor: Very high, due to the extremely cheesy effects, the sudden transition in music, and the cheap animation.