Endgame Entertainment
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Logo descriptions and captures by Rauser
Editions by Michael Bass
Background: Endgame Entertainment is a Los-Angeles based company formed in 2002.
1st Logo
<embed height="165" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/7254f958155511fdb2cba354ce0682c3f677d4bf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="200" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "Chess Field"
Logo: In isometric projection, the door opens and light emits out of it. A man in hat walks out of the door, makes five steps and stands still, putting his arms into a body sides. The place where he stands transforms into a square plate, then an outline writes the chessboard (which looks similar to the Purina pet food company logo) and other plates cover it. The word "ENDGAME" slides by an outline from the back and stops in the front. The whole picture pans from right isometric view to left. The man gets outlined by a white border. A still version of this logo also exists.
Variant: TV shows with this logo use a still version of this logo with a gray background.
FX/SFX: The man, the chessboard, the text.
Music/Sounds: The opening/closing theme of the movie or TV show.
Availability: Rare. The animated version is found on The Alibi and Stay Alive. The still version can be found on Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks, and an unknown show on the now-defunct Family Room HD.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo

<embed height="229" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/28706a6ab07db5bde9806b833b4acf24b4db4a4c" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="280" wmode="transparent"/>
Nicknames: "The Man Walking", "The Chess Figure Shadow"
Logo: Some flashes appear and blink, making the screen totally bright. After the light goes off, we see a man's legs walking by the road with mountains in background. The screen pans so we can see a man walking. The picture is put into the rectangular frame where the image of the walking man becomes still. Under the frame, the word "ENDGAMƎ" appears, in a big font with the last "E" large and reversed. Under it is the word "ENTERTAINMENT" is seen in a much smaller font. The man's shadow in the picture resembles a chess figure.
FX/SFX: All the animation.
Music/Sounds: 5 descending chimes and a short orchestral note, coupled with light footstep sounds.
Availability: Common, can be found on new movies they produce.
Editions by Michael Bass
Background: Endgame Entertainment is a Los-Angeles based company formed in 2002.
1st Logo

Logo: In isometric projection, the door opens and light emits out of it. A man in hat walks out of the door, makes five steps and stands still, putting his arms into a body sides. The place where he stands transforms into a square plate, then an outline writes the chessboard (which looks similar to the Purina pet food company logo) and other plates cover it. The word "ENDGAME" slides by an outline from the back and stops in the front. The whole picture pans from right isometric view to left. The man gets outlined by a white border. A still version of this logo also exists.
Variant: TV shows with this logo use a still version of this logo with a gray background.
FX/SFX: The man, the chessboard, the text.
Music/Sounds: The opening/closing theme of the movie or TV show.
Availability: Rare. The animated version is found on The Alibi and Stay Alive. The still version can be found on Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks, and an unknown show on the now-defunct Family Room HD.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo

Logo: Some flashes appear and blink, making the screen totally bright. After the light goes off, we see a man's legs walking by the road with mountains in background. The screen pans so we can see a man walking. The picture is put into the rectangular frame where the image of the walking man becomes still. Under the frame, the word "ENDGAMƎ" appears, in a big font with the last "E" large and reversed. Under it is the word "ENTERTAINMENT" is seen in a much smaller font. The man's shadow in the picture resembles a chess figure.
FX/SFX: All the animation.
Music/Sounds: 5 descending chimes and a short orchestral note, coupled with light footstep sounds.
Availability: Common, can be found on new movies they produce.
Editor's Note: None.