Expert Software

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Background: Expert Software, Inc. was founded by Ken Currier and his wife Sue Currier and was based in Coral Gables, Florida. The company focused on developing and selling inexpensive consumer-oriented software programs in discount stores. Most Expert titles were priced under $15 and were available in more than 25,000 retail locations throughout the world including computer superstores, office supply stores, warehouse clubs, supermarkets and drug stores. In 1999, the company was acquired by Activision. Activision's intention was to merge Expert Software's products with the products of Head Games Publishing, Inc., which it had also acquired the previous year. Thus the bugdet publishing division was created, named Activision Value Publishing.


Expert Software (Mid 90's)<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="242" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="295" wmode="transparent"/>

Nickname: The X Trio

Logo:There are 3 Xs spinning toward the screen as scrolling green, black, and grey blocks are lighted. The Xs spin to the screen and disappear as a large X spins in place. An red X and letters making the word "EXPERT" flicker and the lines shrink into a border and a refined blue rectangle flies into place. The outline and rectangle collide together and the name appears with "SOFTWARE" and "BRAND" beside the T. A light passes by the logo.

FX/SFX: The spinning of the Xs and the name flickering.

Music/Sounds: Cutting-like sounds with a "SLAM!!" sound when the outline and rectangle collide.

Availability: Rare. Probably on old software, or from Sega CD/Sega Saturn direct-to-PC games. Seen on Sonic and Knuckles for the PC.

Editor's Note: None.