Fairy Dust Corporation (Japan)
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Logo description by WetPaintLogo1993
Logo Captures by RarityLand
Video Captures courtesy of Charles Loftus
Background: Fairy Dust is a hentai anime publisher that gained notoriety by distributing the Cream Lemon OVA series (being the longest-running series in the genre to do so).
1st Logo
<iframe frameborder="0" height="260" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/8ba2a53cc868671c161b66f51f023cf39ffb01ee" width="460"></iframe>
Logo: Over a space background, the white text
Fairy Dust
with "Fairy Dust" set in a fancy font and "presents" below the "Fairy Dust", suddenly appears at the center of the screen. A sparkle of light is seen on the "D" in "Fairy Dust", complete with a rainbow ring; the sparkle eventually dies out, leaving only the text.
FX/SFX: The text appearing, the sparkle of light dying out.
Music/Sounds: A descending string section followed by a guitar-driven tune.
Availability: Appears on Cream Lemon episodes from the time.
Scare Factor: Low. The guitar section coming in out of nowhere can surprise some.
2nd Logo
<iframe frameborder="0" height="262" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/1c66861ac0d06a256b097d2bb55fd31d65593962" width="464"></iframe>
Logo: Over a zooming space background, a blue circle with the pink words "Fairy Dust" over the circle and two stars next to "Dust" fades in, then it flashes with a pink glow.
FX/SFX: The zooming space background, the logo fading in and flashing.
Music/Sounds: A synth tune.
Availability: Appears on Cream Lemon episodes from the year.
Scare Factor: None to minimal. A relaxing logo to say the least.