Fil à Film (France)

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Logo description by mr3urious
Logo capture and video courtesy of rvideoprod

1st (known) Logo

Fil à Film (Late '80s?-????)
<embed height="228" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="276" wmode="transparent"/>

Nicknames: "Stone Camera", "Camera in Space", "The Dark Camera", "Star Camera Wars", "Emergency on Planet Video"

Logo: Following the copyright screen (which also shows the company's address and phone number), a huge explosion occurs. This transitions to a space background with stars shooting forth and a stone camera shooting toward us. We then cut to the camera zooming out and turning gold as a red "comet" circles around it. Then, a red line springs out of the camera and transforms into the words "fil à film" in script. The text shines, and the camera sparkles.

FX/SFX: The camera, text, and stars; impressive animation here!

Music/Sounds: It starts with a warning siren after the explosion, then a Star Wars-esque string sounder, and a descending bell sound when the comet appears, followed by another brief explosion sound, ending with a short fanfare near the end.

Availability: Rare; seen on French SECAM VHS's from the period.

Editor's Note: None.