GMA Films (Philippines)
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Cinemax Studios
1st Logo

<embed height="227" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="277" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "The Weird Font"
Logo: On a black background, we see the text "CINEMAX (in a weird font) STUDIOS INC." suddenly appear.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: An electronic noise with a trumpet crescending throughout; the music is played over from the OctoArts Films logo.
Availability: Rare; seen on the films from the era.
Editor's Note: None.
GMA Films
3rd Logo
Nickname: "Steel GMA"
Logo: TBA
Music/Sounds: TBA
Music/Sounds Variants:
Editor's Note: TBA
4th Logo
Nicknames: "Film Projector With GMA Kapuso-Shaped Lens", "GMA Kapuso I", "GMA Heart"
Logo: We zoom out from a film camera which has the GMA Kapuso symbol in it's lens. Meanwhile, a long rectangle with another rectangle inside of it containing a blue sunburst is seen zooming in. The camera turns to the left. "GMAFILMS" zooms out letter-by-letter and places in the rectangle. The name flashes.
Music/Sounds: None, or the opening theme of the film.
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo

Nicknames: "Rainbow Filmstrip", "GMA Kapuso II", "GMA Rainbow Heart"
Logo: TBA
Music/Sounds: TBA
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA
6th Logo
(February-December 2014)
Nicknames: "Clouds and a Rainbow", "The Logo Without The Silver Man", "The Logo Without The GMA Man"
Logo: TBA
Music/Sounds: TBA
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA
1st Logo

<embed height="227" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="277" wmode="transparent"/>
Nickname: "The Weird Font"
Logo: On a black background, we see the text "CINEMAX (in a weird font) STUDIOS INC." suddenly appear.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: An electronic noise with a trumpet crescending throughout; the music is played over from the OctoArts Films logo.
Availability: Rare; seen on the films from the era.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
Nickname: "The Teal C and the Red Sphere"
Logo: Above the rippling water, we see the red sphere quickly dropping down to the top-near right, while the teal letter C quickly emerges from the water, then the background turns white while the sphere casts the shadow and the words "CINEMAX STUDIOS" with the gray rippling texture fade in below the sphere and the C.
FX/SFX: Early CGI animation.
Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the movie.
Availability: Extremely rare. It could be seen on Sanggano
Editor's Note: TBA

Logo: Above the rippling water, we see the red sphere quickly dropping down to the top-near right, while the teal letter C quickly emerges from the water, then the background turns white while the sphere casts the shadow and the words "CINEMAX STUDIOS" with the gray rippling texture fade in below the sphere and the C.
FX/SFX: Early CGI animation.
Music/Sounds: The opening theme of the movie.
Availability: Extremely rare. It could be seen on Sanggano
Editor's Note: TBA
GMA Films
3rd Logo
Nickname: "Steel GMA"
Logo: TBA
- A filmed version exists.
- On D'Sisters: Nuns of the Above,the logo was freezed-framed after the animation.
Music/Sounds: TBA
Music/Sounds Variants:
- A version of both music that plays from OctoArts Films exists.
- Sometimes the logo is silent.
Editor's Note: TBA
4th Logo

Nicknames: "Film Projector With GMA Kapuso-Shaped Lens", "GMA Kapuso I", "GMA Heart"
Logo: We zoom out from a film camera which has the GMA Kapuso symbol in it's lens. Meanwhile, a long rectangle with another rectangle inside of it containing a blue sunburst is seen zooming in. The camera turns to the left. "GMAFILMS" zooms out letter-by-letter and places in the rectangle. The name flashes.
Music/Sounds: None, or the opening theme of the film.
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo

Nicknames: "Rainbow Filmstrip", "GMA Kapuso II", "GMA Rainbow Heart"
Logo: TBA
Music/Sounds: TBA
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA
6th Logo
(February-December 2014)
Nicknames: "Clouds and a Rainbow", "The Logo Without The Silver Man", "The Logo Without The GMA Man"
Logo: TBA
Music/Sounds: TBA
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA