Gainsborough Pictures (UK)

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Logo description by mr3urious and Gilblitz112
Logo captures by Eric S. and
Videos by littleshoemaker, MattTheSaiyan, JeiceTheWarrior, Peakpasha and Eric S.

1st logo
(April 1924-August 1, 1950)

Gainsborough Pictures (1924-1951, Part 1)Gainsborough Pictures (1924-1951, Part 2)Gainsborough Picture
<iframe frameborder="0" height="186" src="" width="247"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="186" src="" width="247"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="186" src="" width="247"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="186" src="" width="247"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="186" src="" width="247"></iframe>

: Inside an ornate picture frame, we see a woman (which is British actress Glennis Lorimer) dressed in a feather hat (also knows as a "Gainsborough") and a 19th century-style dress turning toward us and smiling. Then, it fades to a black screen saying "A Gainsborough Picture" in script.

  • A different version is used on Quartet (1948). The lady looks different and is still. The company name is superimposed on the picture. In the bottom left corner "Sydney Box in charge of production" is written, and in the bottom right corner "Released through General Film Distribution Ltd."
  • On Trio, a variant similar to the one above was used. The main difference is, that the lady is again moving, instead of being still.
  • On Ask a Policeman (1939) andLove Story (1944), the script says "Gainsborough Pictures Ltd. Present".

FX/SFX: None, unless you want to count the fading text.

Music/Sounds: A regal theme or the opening theme of the movie.

Availability: Rare; seen on British films from the time.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo