Gary Nardino Companies

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Logo descriptions by MylesMoss1996
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Video captures by
Editions by

Background: These are Gary Nardino's production companies.

Gary Nardino Productions, Inc.

1st Logo
(July 13, 1984-December 3, 1986)

Logo: On a brown background, we see the white line sliding in. Then we see the words, "Gary Nardino" and "Productions, Inc." sliding in to the left and right, respectively. The logo fades out to make room for "In Association With".

FX/SFX: The sliding formation of the logo.

Music/Sounds: The end title theme from any show.

Availability: Seen only on Brothers.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(May 8, 1987-December 3, 1994)

Logo: On a blue-black gradient background, we see the 3D words "GARY NARDINO" zooming out while rotating. Two red lines as well as the words "PRODUCTIONS, INC." zooms out. The words "in association with" fades in below.

FX/SFX: The zooming out of the logo.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the show or a voice over on Time Trax.

Availability: Seen on later episodes of Brothers and Time Trax.

Editor's Note: None.

Gary Nardino-Chris Thompson Productions

(April 20-August 6, 1987)

Logo: Over a turquoise background, we see the words "CHRIS THOMPSON" and "GARY NARDINO" sliding from the top and bottom. It bounces, and exploding, swapping the text in the process. The yellow line as well as the words "productions, inc." and "in association with" wipes down below.

FX/SFX: All the animation in the logo.

Music/Sounds: The end theme of Hard Knocks.

Availability: Only seen on Hard Knocks.

Editor's Note: None.

Dames/Fraser-Gary Nardino Productions

(September 19, 1987-May 28, 1988)

Logo: Similar to the 2nd Gary Nardino logo, except "GARY NARDINO" is smaller to fit the 2nd red line, and "DAMES/FRASER" is on the 1st red line, and the logo is on a white-blue background. The IAW text is in a different font

FX/SFX: Same as the 2nd Gary Nardino logo.

Music/Sounds: A triumphant fanfare.

Availability: Only seen on Marblehead Manor.

Editor's Note: None.

Nardino/Nuss-North Hall Productions

(March 2, 1996-April 9, 2000)

Logo: Superimposed over palm beaches, the words "NUSS" and "NARDINO" sliding in on a blue-white color. The slash fades in and "NORTH HALL PRODUCTIONS" fades in also.

FX/SFX: All the animation.

Music/Sounds: A drumbeat accompanying a rock theme.

Availability: Only seen on Pacific Blue.

Editor's Note: None.