Georgian Bay, Ltd.
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Logo description and captures by megamanj2004
Video capture courtesy of weatherguru760
Background: Georgian Bay, Ltd. is the production company of Susan Clark and Alex Karras of Webster fame.
(September 16, 1983-March 10, 1989)

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="195" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="245" wmode="transparent"/>
Logo: On a white screen, we see a black circle with white trees and hill of snow with a white moon inside of it. Then the words Georgian Bay Ltd., quickly slide in the screen from the left of the circle to the right, followed by the words "In Association With," (matching the same font as the closing credits of the 1st 3 seasons and 4th season episode ofWebster"MacGruff" and the ABC sitcom Growing Pains in a black color appearing below) followed by a Paramount Television logo.
Variant: Beginning in 1986 with the episode "MacGruff," the Emmanuel Lewis Enterprises logo began following after this logo, which meant the "In Association With" byline was removed from this logo and appeared on the Emmanuel Lewis Enterprises logo (in a red, italic version of that logo's font).
FX/SFX: The words "Georgian Bay Ltd." sliding onto the screen (ala the Paramount Television 1975-87 "Blue Mountain" logo).
Music/Sounds: The end theme of whatever show plays.
Availability: Appears mostly on Webster, whenever someone decides to rerun that show.
Editor's Note: None.
Video capture courtesy of weatherguru760
Background: Georgian Bay, Ltd. is the production company of Susan Clark and Alex Karras of Webster fame.
(September 16, 1983-March 10, 1989)

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="195" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="245" wmode="transparent"/>
Logo: On a white screen, we see a black circle with white trees and hill of snow with a white moon inside of it. Then the words Georgian Bay Ltd., quickly slide in the screen from the left of the circle to the right, followed by the words "In Association With," (matching the same font as the closing credits of the 1st 3 seasons and 4th season episode ofWebster"MacGruff" and the ABC sitcom Growing Pains in a black color appearing below) followed by a Paramount Television logo.
Variant: Beginning in 1986 with the episode "MacGruff," the Emmanuel Lewis Enterprises logo began following after this logo, which meant the "In Association With" byline was removed from this logo and appeared on the Emmanuel Lewis Enterprises logo (in a red, italic version of that logo's font).
FX/SFX: The words "Georgian Bay Ltd." sliding onto the screen (ala the Paramount Television 1975-87 "Blue Mountain" logo).
Music/Sounds: The end theme of whatever show plays.
- Note: On the 3rd and final part of the Webster 3-part episode "Webster Long," instead of the end theme of Webster playing, there's applause and chattering of the cast playing over this logo.
Availability: Appears mostly on Webster, whenever someone decides to rerun that show.
Editor's Note: None.