Global Tantrum
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Background: Global Tantrum is a adult cartoon company founded by Klasky Csupo & so far only produced 5 pilots, 1 series, and 6 flash cartoons. 5 of their flash cartoons are currently lost.

WARNING:Do not watch this video if you are prone to epilepsy.
Nicknames: "The Green Shadows", "Seizure Tantrum"
Logo: On a black background, a green sphere is seen with a ring surrounding the bottom and "GLOBAL" arcing over the top. To the bottom right of it is the text "TANTRUM", in the same font but it gets wider at the end. The logo is very hard to make out for a second, with several shadows coming off of it. The logo then switches to a shiny cut surface with golds and blues in it, with the green shadows still appearing around it. After a bit, it switches back to the green before disappearing, leaving a few of the shadows behind.
Variant: An Opening "Presents" Variant Exists.
FX/SFX: The logo shining.
Music/Sounds: A weird synth space tune with a robotic voice saying "Global Tantrum".
Availability: Extinct. Only spotted at the end of Citizen Tony, Bench Pressly, You Animal, Stinky Pierre, Chuck Sweet, Bokowski, and the failed Spike TV series, Immigrants, which was turned into a movie in 2008. It was also seen on a print of the 1996 short Bird in the Window.
Editor’s Note: Just like the main company’s other logos, it’s weird and unique.