Gold Double Productions Limited (Hong Kong)

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Gold Double logo

Note: The video of the logo is <a href="" target="_self">here</a>, but with the beginning part cut.

Logo: On a blue background, an orange stylized "GD" is being drawn clockwise starting with the letter G, then D, and then, they suddenly flash a second later. After a second or two, the Chinese characters with "GOLD DOUBLE PRODUCTIONS LIMITED" inpink fade in, which turns orange later.

FX/SFX: The drawing, the flashing, the fading in.

Music/Sounds: A loud gong, followed by some wind chime sounds when the logo "flashes", we hear a laser "zap" followed by a droning bass, then we hear a four-note synth horn fanfare.

Availability: Only known to appear in The Nocturnal Demon.

Editor's Note: None.