Golden Child Amusement & Development (Hong Kong)

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Logo description by Wellmart3 and rj4712


Logo: A bright flash occurs, and a mask zooms out with a glow. Shortly after the mask stops, a red swish occurs under the mask, forming the Chinesetext. Then this text below:


...fades in.

Trivia: The mask in this logo is actually meant to represent the Chinese Opera mask.

FX/SFX: The flash, the zooming out, the swish, and the text fading in. Nice effects for the time!

Music/Sounds: A gong hit, then a choir tune, which culminates into a high synth drone.

Availability: Very rare. Was seen on IQ Dudettes.

Editor's Note: The creepy-looking mask may put you off, and may remind you of the one used in the VID logo, along with the synth drone at the end.