Good Story Media (Russia)

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Logo description by MegaAveron25
Logo capture by Enormous Rat

Background: The company was founded in 2008 and produces TV series for TNT and STS channels. In 2013 it was purchased by TNT.

1st Logo

Nickname: "Bird Origami", "Mendragora's Russian Cousin"

Good Story Media (2014)Logo:We start on a black background. Then it quickly changes to the wooden table with barn door wipe transition, on the wooden table, there's a sheet of paper with the script to the Real Boys episode written on it, on the left of it is a steel ruler, a pencil and a ballpoint pen, on the right of it is another pencil, a pencil sharpener and three sheets of paper, a pair of hands appear and folds the paper into the bird origami, the live-action footage is sped up, when the folding is done, the company name unfolds word-by-word (or just fades in) below the origami.

: Hands folding the paper, and the company name appearing. Everything is done in live-action, except for the text, which is animated in CGI.

Music/Sounds: A calm 7-note piano jingle accompanied by the paper folding sound.

Availability: Seen on shows produced by the company.

Editor's Note: None.