Gorilla Flicks

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Logo descriptions by MylesMoss1996 and WebWanderer
Logo captures by
Video captures courtesy of Pepsi9072

(May 15-July 17, 2014)

Logo: On a limeish background, we see a sparkly, six-color rainbow slide down from the top of the screen. A filmstrip slips out from the left and intersects the rainbow, and they keep going their separate ways. The rainbow finishes its course, revealing a smaller section of filmstrip with rainbow squares. The word "GORILLA" is on top of this new filmstrip, while "FLICKS" is beneath it; both words are written in a thick, grungy font. The logo jiggles and glitches slightly as a stock monkey screech is heard. Everything mimics the grainy quality of an old projector.

FX/SFX: The rainbow, filmstrip, and jiggling logo.

Music/Sounds: A projector's countdown beep, followed by a glockenspiel scale when the rainbow comes down (the same one heard in the BRB Productions logo as well as various other media as a sound effect), and a monkey screech when the logo is finished.

Availability: Seen on the third season ofLoiter Squad.

Editor's Note: Although there's no gorillas to be found in this logo, the monkey screech can be jarring alongside the logo's speed.