Gourmet Video Collection (Uruguay)

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Logo descriptions by RarityLand and SnowflakesOmega
Video captures courtesy of RaroVHS

Not to be confused with the erotic VHS distributor of the same name.

<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="230" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/366c97b86d9a426e405429466f03f96e078db8f9" width="407"></iframe>

Logo: We see a black background with stars on it. The apricot text GVC zooms out the background, and multiple texts, that are the same thing (possibly trails of it) zoom out with it, to form the same GVC we've seen before. It zooms out completely. Then, the text with the same color, "GOURMET VIDEO COLLECTION" appears zooming in (a la V of Doom), with some trails, the same as the GVC text did. After a couple of seconds the text "PRESENTS" rotates and zooms in. It stops on the middle of the background.

FX/SFX: Everything in this logo.

Music/Sounds: A guitar playing a rock theme, with synth instruments over it.

Availability: Extremely rare. If you're from Uruguay, check your old tapes.

Editor's Note: None.