Granada Television (UK)
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Logo descriptions by Michael Bass
Logo captures by countdowngoofs, EnormousRat, and Gilblitz112
Video captures courtesy of JohnnyL80, dylanstonepark, and EnormousRat
Background: Granada Media plc is a former British conglomerate, best known for its Manchester-based subsidiary Granada Television, one of the biggest broadcasting studios among other ITV-based brands. It was incorporated in 1934. Following its merger with Carlton Communications on February 2, 2004, Granada became known as ITV plc, saving the former name for North-West broadcast area. Granada was involved in the large amount of television series and movies.
1st Logo
Logo: On a black background, the word "GRANADA" appears at the top of the screen. An arrow moves upwards from the bottom of the screen until it disturbs the "N", which bounces three times before settling
again. The word "Presents", in a Sans Serif font, then appears under the point of the arrow.
Variant: A static variant was phased in after only a few weeks, reportedly because company boss Sidney Bernstein was unhappy with the way the animation in the original variant portrayed his company.
FX/SFX: The arrow going up in the animated version, but none for the static version.
Music/Sounds: None to accompany either variant; Granada were renowned for producing logos without any accompanying jingle until the late 1980s.
Availability: Both the animated and static variants are extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
Logo: On a gray background, a black arrow moves upwards from the bottom of the screen. When it gets near the top it stops, and the words "from the North" appear in italics. Then, seven white squares spin round to face the viewer. Each square has a black letter on it forming the word "GRANADA" (in the same font as before, but italics). After that the word 'PRESENTS' appears letter by letter.
Variant: A static variant was being used by the end of the 1950's.
FX/SFX: The arrow going upwards, and the squares spinning in in the animated version. None for the static version.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
3rd Logo
Logo: A map of Great Britain is shown on the left of the screen, with most of the remainder being just a grey background. A black arrow points to where Granada were based. Above the arrow seven white squares (from the 2nd logo) have the word "GRANADA" written on them in black. Below the arrow "presents" is written in white.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Again, extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
4th Logo
Logo: We simply see the word "GRANADA", in Clarendon font and with a drop-shadow, between two horizontal black lines on a gray background.
Variant: There was an animated variant used only before local programmes.
Nickname: "G-Arrow"
Editor's Note: None.
Logo: On a black background, we see several close-up shots of a birthday cake that turns out to be in the shape of the Granada symbol. We then see the entire cake and the Granada logotype fading in below it, together with two white lines below the logotype, each drawing out a digit of the number "30" in a stylized italic font.
FX/SFX: The lines drawing out the "30".
Music/Sounds: A celebratory fanfare.
Availability: Extinct, like other anniversary logos of the past.
Editor's Note: Low.
7th Logo
<iframe frameborder="0" height="185" src="" width="244"></iframe> Nicknames: "Turning G", "G-Arrow III"
Variant: Sometimes, the background will be pixelated.
FX/SFX: The trail forming the symbol.
8th Logo
Nickname: "G-Arrow IV"
9th Logo
Logo: On a blue background, we see a bunch of paper dolls circling around. Behind them is the famous "Arrow G" made out of gold snowflakes. The word "GRANADA" appears.
FX/SFX: The paper dolls.
Music/Sounds: Same as the 8th logo; this sounds like a synth again, then an announcer.
Availability: Extinct. Only seen during the 1989 Christmas season.
Editor's Note: None.
10th Logo
Nicknames: "Granada in the North West", "G-Arrow VI"
11th Logo
Nickname: "ITV Generic"
Logo: See ITV for description.
12th Logo
13th Logo
Nicknames: "The Stripe V", "The Stripe Flag", "Granada Flag", "G-Arrow XI"
Availability: Extinct. Was used in conjunction with the 12th logo mainly as a promotional sting, but sometimes served as a local ident.
Editor's Note: None.
14th Logo
15th Logo
16th Logo
17th Logo
Logo: We see a purple space filled by shadow copies of the tagless "A" letter. The corporate word "GRANADA" is seen over.
Trivia: The word "GRANADA" below has the same design as the film counterpart logo, used during the same time.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Very rare.
Editor's Note: None.
18th Logo
(December 2001-October 31, 2004)
Logo: On a purple background, we see soft lines forming a "G". The stork on the "G" reads "GRANADA" in it's previous font.
FX/SFX: The dynamic background, and the forming of the "G".
Logo captures by countdowngoofs, EnormousRat, and Gilblitz112
Video captures courtesy of JohnnyL80, dylanstonepark, and EnormousRat
Background: Granada Media plc is a former British conglomerate, best known for its Manchester-based subsidiary Granada Television, one of the biggest broadcasting studios among other ITV-based brands. It was incorporated in 1934. Following its merger with Carlton Communications on February 2, 2004, Granada became known as ITV plc, saving the former name for North-West broadcast area. Granada was involved in the large amount of television series and movies.
1st Logo
Logo: On a black background, the word "GRANADA" appears at the top of the screen. An arrow moves upwards from the bottom of the screen until it disturbs the "N", which bounces three times before settling

Variant: A static variant was phased in after only a few weeks, reportedly because company boss Sidney Bernstein was unhappy with the way the animation in the original variant portrayed his company.
FX/SFX: The arrow going up in the animated version, but none for the static version.
Music/Sounds: None to accompany either variant; Granada were renowned for producing logos without any accompanying jingle until the late 1980s.
Availability: Both the animated and static variants are extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo
Logo: On a gray background, a black arrow moves upwards from the bottom of the screen. When it gets near the top it stops, and the words "from the North" appear in italics. Then, seven white squares spin round to face the viewer. Each square has a black letter on it forming the word "GRANADA" (in the same font as before, but italics). After that the word 'PRESENTS' appears letter by letter.
Variant: A static variant was being used by the end of the 1950's.
FX/SFX: The arrow going upwards, and the squares spinning in in the animated version. None for the static version.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
3rd Logo
Logo: A map of Great Britain is shown on the left of the screen, with most of the remainder being just a grey background. A black arrow points to where Granada were based. Above the arrow seven white squares (from the 2nd logo) have the word "GRANADA" written on them in black. Below the arrow "presents" is written in white.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Again, extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
4th Logo
Logo: We simply see the word "GRANADA", in Clarendon font and with a drop-shadow, between two horizontal black lines on a gray background.
Variant: There was an animated variant used only before local programmes.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: Again, none to accompany this logo.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo
Music/Sounds: Again, none to accompany this logo.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo
Nickname: "G-Arrow"
Logo: On a black background, the word "GRANADA" is written in the same typeface and color as before. Below the word we see Granada's symbol, which is a cross between a "G" and an arrow pointing upward. This is also in white.
Trivia: Although the symbol was used in 1968, it was not copyrighted until 1971.
Variants: There were several variants:
FX/SFX: None, although the Christmas variant has some shining/twinkling effects.
Music/Sounds: None, the continuity announcer, or the closing theme. Also uses startup and closedown music with "Drifting" (by Kevin Peek), "Easy Go" (by Nick Glennie-Smith) and "New Station March" (by Keith Mansfield).
Availability: Common. Saved on their many TV shows from the era.
Trivia: Although the symbol was used in 1968, it was not copyrighted until 1971.
Variants: There were several variants:
- A version exists where the background in white and the word "GRANADA" and the symbol are black.
- From 1969 onward, with the advent of colour television, the background was blue and the "G/Arrow" symbol was yellow.
- There exists a colour version where "GRANADA" is yellow and the "G/Arrow" symbol is white.
- At the end of programs, "Colour Production" appears under the symbol and sometimes the copyright date is displayed underneath that.
- Some season variants exist, with a different color scheme depending on what season is currently was when in use.
- At the end of international programs, a "GRANADA TELEVISION INTERNATIONAL" caption is shown.
- From 1986-1987, The ident was upgraded with a blue gradient background, and the word "GRANADA" and the "G/Arrow" symbol were rendered in gold.
- From 1987-1989, the word and the symbol became platinum instead of gold.
- After 1989, the word and the symbol changed back to white and yellow, but upgraded with a purple gradient backgronud.
- During Christmas time, a version of the logo covered in holly and rendered in gold was used. "Christmas on" in a Roman font is displayed above the word "GRANADA".
FX/SFX: None, although the Christmas variant has some shining/twinkling effects.
Music/Sounds: None, the continuity announcer, or the closing theme. Also uses startup and closedown music with "Drifting" (by Kevin Peek), "Easy Go" (by Nick Glennie-Smith) and "New Station March" (by Keith Mansfield).
Availability: Common. Saved on their many TV shows from the era.
Editor's Note: None.
6th Logo
<iframe frameborder="0" height="166" src="" width="219"></iframe>
NOTE: The logo appears at 0:27.Nicknames: "Happy 30th Birthday, Granada!", "G-Arrow II"

NOTE: The logo appears at 0:27.
Logo: On a black background, we see several close-up shots of a birthday cake that turns out to be in the shape of the Granada symbol. We then see the entire cake and the Granada logotype fading in below it, together with two white lines below the logotype, each drawing out a digit of the number "30" in a stylized italic font.
FX/SFX: The lines drawing out the "30".
Music/Sounds: A celebratory fanfare.
Availability: Extinct, like other anniversary logos of the past.
Editor's Note: Low.
7th Logo

Logo: On a gradient blue background, we see a yellow trail forming the Granada symbol. The Granada logotype fades in above.
Variant: Sometimes, the background will be pixelated.
FX/SFX: The trail forming the symbol.
Music/Sounds: A cheerful synth fanfare not dissimilar to the one in the 6th logo.
Availability: Extinct. This logo was also used only for Granada's 30th anniversary.
Editor's Note: None.
Editor's Note: None.
8th Logo
Nickname: "G-Arrow IV"
Logo: We see some sped up footage of a cloudy sky while a transparent version of Granada's Symbol unfolds from the centre of the screen.
Variant: Sometimes we see a bank and some barbed wire fence against the cloudy sky.
FX/SFX: The symbol unfolding.
Music/Sounds: A dreamy synth cue. This is a sped up version of part of a library music piece that was also used by the IBA to precede their engineering announcements during the 1980's.
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
9th Logo
Nickname: "G-Arrow V"
Logo: On a blue background, we see a bunch of paper dolls circling around. Behind them is the famous "Arrow G" made out of gold snowflakes. The word "GRANADA" appears.
FX/SFX: The paper dolls.
Music/Sounds: Same as the 8th logo; this sounds like a synth again, then an announcer.
Availability: Extinct. Only seen during the 1989 Christmas season.
Editor's Note: None.
10th Logo
Nicknames: "Granada in the North West", "G-Arrow VI"
Logo: Over an implied globe showing Granada's broadcast area, a two-dimensional ring containing people's faces floats in from the top left corner of the screen. A north-pointing arrow, in a similar style, then comes in from the bottom. As the arrow positions itself on the top of the ring, two right-angled triangles, colored gradient turquoise and forming a rectangle with a diagonal from the top left to the bottom right, rotate into view behind them. The arrow and ring then turn into the Granada symbol, colored red, and as this happens, the logo zooms out and a gradient gray background fades in in place of the globe. Finally, a white flash moves through the aforementioned diagonal from the bottom right, filling it in in the same color, before a large red arrowhead fades in at the top left; at the same time the lines "GRANADA" and "in the North West", in an italic serif font, fade in below the logo.
FX/SFX: The arrow and ring floating and turning into the Granada symbol, the triangles rotating into view,
and the white flash filling in the diagonal between the triangles.
and the white flash filling in the diagonal between the triangles.
Music/Sounds: A simple brass fanfare, complete with a violin and synthesized drumbeats.
Availability: Extinct. This logo was used only locally.
Editor's Note: None.
11th Logo
Note: This ident was never used on air.
Nickname: "ITV Generic"
Logo: See ITV for description.
12th Logo
Nicknames: "The Stripe", "G-Arrow VII"
- 1989-1991: On a white background, a blue stripe descends from the top of the screen. When it gets slightly beyond the middle of the screen, it stops and the symbol fades onto the stripe. Shortly afterwards the word "GRANADA" fades in at the bottom of the screen.
- 1991-1992: The "G" is changed to dark blue, and the background is different as well.
- 1992-1995: Same as in 1989, but the stripe starts out in a rainbow color before changing to dark blue.
- There was a special Fall version with a leaf falling and morphing into the stripe.
- A Christmas version had the stripe replaced with a swaying gift tag.
- A North West version had a stripe with North West scenes that zooms out .The stripe forms part of the text "NORTH WEST".
- A version with the number "888" below the logo preceded shows with subtitles.
- A special Olympics variant was used during Manchester's Submission for the 2000 Olympic games in 1992.
- The production variant would use the text "GRANADA TELEVISION" or "A GRANADA PRODUCTION FOR ITV". Variations exist also with the text "A GRANADA PRODUCTION" and "A GRANADA INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION".
FX/SFX: The stripe descending and the symbol and word fading in. More subtle than other ITV idents of the time, but does not look cheesy. The production variant is still.
Music/Sounds: Same as the 8th logo, from 1991 on it was played on a celesta. The production variant is silent.
Availability: The ID is extinct. By this time, ITV regional symbols were only used in the region they served. The production variant was seen on numerous TV shows from the era. The international version was seen on some Maigret episodes.
Editor's Note: None.
13th Logo
Nicknames: "The Stripe V", "The Stripe Flag", "Granada Flag", "G-Arrow XI"
Logo: A scene that takes place somewhere in the North West of England is shown before a a flag with the Granada logo appears. The slogan "Setting the Standard" appears before the logo.
Variants: Many variants were used during the logo's short lifetime.
FX/SFX: All live action.
Music/Sounds: A newly composed jingle that varied in style from variant to variant.
Editor's Note: None.
14th Logo
Nicknames: "The Stripe VI", "G-Arrow XII"
Logo: On a blue and purple abstract background, a large silvery version of the symbol flies away from the viewer and onto a metallic version of the stripe that fades in before the symbol lands on it.
- The production variant used a still picture with the text "A GRANADA PRODUCTION", "GRANADA TELEVISION INTERNATIONAL", or "A GRANADA PRODUCTION FOR ITV" with ITV in it's corporate font. On Royle Family,there was a black background with only the blue stripe with arrow, with a BBC byline below.
- For programs being distributed by Granada Sky Broadcasting (now known as ITV Digital Studios LTD), It'll say "A Granada Television on (Granada's print logo) Granada Sky Broadcasting". This version also has the northern lights BG switched to a purple/pink BG.
FX/SFX: The background is CGI, but the symbol is actually made of perspex and shot using a camera, and keyed into the logo. Either way, it's really good. The production variants are still.
Music/Sounds: An orchestrated version of the last few notes of the jingle to the 15th logo. The production variants either used none or the closing theme.
Availability: The normal variant is extinct, was only used as a local ID. The production variant appeared on shows from the time, such as Essex Boys.
Editor's Note: None.
15th Logo
Nickname: "G-Arrow XIII"
Logo: TBA
Variants: TBA
Music/Sounds: TBA
Availability: TBA
Editor's Note: TBA
16th Logo
17th Logo
Logo: We see a purple space filled by shadow copies of the tagless "A" letter. The corporate word "GRANADA" is seen over.

Trivia: The word "GRANADA" below has the same design as the film counterpart logo, used during the same time.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Very rare.
Editor's Note: None.
18th Logo
(December 2001-October 31, 2004)
Nickname: "G-Arrow XV"
Logo: We see a purple space filled by shadow copies of Granada northwest arrows. The square with an arrow is seen over, with the Granada Television disclaimer below and the regular corporate logo underneath.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Seen on TV shows. Normal version appeared on The Forsyte Saga and the first season of Blue Murder. Other shows, like Doctor Zhivago (2002) and Henry VIII (2003) had it with the co-production byline.
Editor's Note: None.
19th Logo
(November 2004-2012)
Logo: We see a purple space filled by shadow copies of Granada northwest arrows. The square with an arrow is seen over, with the Granada Television disclaimer below and the regular corporate logo underneath.

- For shared works, other names were mentioned below the logo. On Henry VIII, it said "Granada/WGBH Boston in association with Powercorp". On Doctor Zhivago, it said "Granada/Evision/WGBH Boston".
- There was an in-credit logo with only the square remained.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Seen on TV shows. Normal version appeared on The Forsyte Saga and the first season of Blue Murder. Other shows, like Doctor Zhivago (2002) and Henry VIII (2003) had it with the co-production byline.
Editor's Note: None.
19th Logo
(November 2004-2012)
<iframe frameborder="0" height="150" src="" width="186"></iframe>
Nicknames: "Granada G", "G without Arrow", "Neon G"
Logo: On a purple background, we see soft lines forming a "G". The stork on the "G" reads "GRANADA" in it's previous font.
- For international distribution the word "International" appears below.
- Another variant has the world "Ventures" underneath.
- The logo sometimes had a disclaimer of "Granada Yorkshire" or "Granada London", reflecting the takeover of Yorkshire TV and London Weekend TV and wipeout of their native logos.
- For Granada's overseas productions arms "International" is replaced by the country who produced the program (e.g. America, Australia).
- From 2009-2012, the Australian production arm did not change to ITV Studios branding. The logo did change slightly with "Australia" pushed up a little and includes the ITV Studios byline.
- A print logo was used on NDS games Bella Sara (with Ventures name and on black), and Hell's Kitchen (using white background).
- A B&W variant of the "America" variant exists.
FX/SFX: The dynamic background, and the forming of the "G".
Music/Sounds: A guitar riff followed by an electronic piece of music, or the closing theme of the show.
Availability: Common, it was highly used in movie and TV show production, sometimes plastering older logos. In 2006, this was replaced with an ITV Productions logo on ITV shows, but this was kept on ITV-produced shows airing on other channels, until 2009 when it was replaced with ITV Studios branding. It also appeared on licensed games, for example Hell's Kitchen for Wii (with the "America" byline). Despite nearly every Granada unit changing to ITV Studios branding, Granada's Australian and German production units still operated under Granada branding with an ITV Studios byline. This can be seen on the Australian shows Talkin' 'bout Your Generation and Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell as well as any German show produced by Granada. Granada Germany rebranded to ITV Studios Germany in 2011, and Granada Australia rebranded to ITV Studios Australia in January 2013, in line with ITV's 2013 re-brand.
Editor's Note: None.
Availability: Common, it was highly used in movie and TV show production, sometimes plastering older logos. In 2006, this was replaced with an ITV Productions logo on ITV shows, but this was kept on ITV-produced shows airing on other channels, until 2009 when it was replaced with ITV Studios branding. It also appeared on licensed games, for example Hell's Kitchen for Wii (with the "America" byline). Despite nearly every Granada unit changing to ITV Studios branding, Granada's Australian and German production units still operated under Granada branding with an ITV Studios byline. This can be seen on the Australian shows Talkin' 'bout Your Generation and Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell as well as any German show produced by Granada. Granada Germany rebranded to ITV Studios Germany in 2011, and Granada Australia rebranded to ITV Studios Australia in January 2013, in line with ITV's 2013 re-brand.
Editor's Note: None.