Group Pictures

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Logo descriptions by: HiddenResearcher

Background: Group Pictures is a religious video company, mainly famous for Vacation Bible School programs.

1st Logo
(late 90's-2006?)

Nickname: "Fireworks"

Logo: On a purple-ish sky background, "Group" zooms out in yellow, in 3D. Under "Group", little fireworks pop, one by one, revealing a letter to spell "PICTURES". The letters elongate and fade away.

Music/Sounds: No music but we hear fireworks going off and crickets.

Availability: Found on Chadder videos and DVDs of the time, only found in the VBS kits they came in.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Nickname: "Spotlight Group"

Logo: We hear a switch turning on and a spotlight flickers. "Group" zooms out, this time in a sparkly scarlet, and floats in the spotlight. The sparkles in the logo go off, referencing their first logo, and the camera, previously off center, returns to the center.

Music/Sounds: The switch turning on, a quiet whoosh, quiet fireworks, and some sort of quiet synth tune.

Availability: Same as the previous logo.

Editor's Note: None.