HVN Entertainment
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Variants:There exists an English variant of the logo, where the words
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Logo capture by yctheguardie
Logo descriptions by yctheguardie
Video captures courtesy of vhsman lyric, Sean Abel, The Thomas & Friends Guy, AdeleEevee
Background:HVN Entertainment is a home entertainment distributor for Malaysia and Singapore.
1st Logo

Logo: On a videoed background of clouds rolling over hills, we see the hollow letters HVN zoom up. They then turn around and the logo shines with a sparkle at the top of the N. The words
Berjaya HVN
Sdn Bhd
appear underneath while the colors fill in from the outside. Once the colors are filled, the logo sparkles again.
Homevideo Network
(M) Sdn. Bhd.
in a different font fly in after the colors fill the logo. The sparkles at the end are also different, having more of a pattern than the original and shining all at once.
FX/SFX: The logo spinning, the shine and sparkles, and the words appearing underneath.
Cheesy Factor:High for both, more so for the English variant. The effects are reminiscent of a Powerpoint, and there are several lapses in the background. On the original, the HVN shakes when the words underneath appear. In the English variant, more effects are used on the words underneath, and there are more sparkles.
Music/Sounds:Various wiping sounds from a synth.
Music/Sounds:Various wiping sounds from a synth.
Availability:Common for both variants. Seen on 90s home releases of children's cartoons from Malaysia and Singapore.
Scare Factor:None. The logo is very cheesy with its rudimentary animations and synth noises.
Scare Factor:None. The logo is very cheesy with its rudimentary animations and synth noises.
2nd Logo

Logo: White animated stars fly past on a black-to-blue gradient space background. The letters HVN fold in and violently shake as a white starburst appears, revealing the words p r e s e n t sunderneath. The starburst goes across the word and disappears, and a light shines up through the logo until it disappears.
FX/SFX: The animation the stars and the HVN folding in and shaking, the starburst, and the lights through the logo.
Cheesy Factor: Less cheesy than the first logo, but still somewhat cheesy, especially with the shaking of the letters and the prolonged fanfare.
Music/Sounds: A bombastic fanfare.
Availability: Common. Seen onhome releases of children's cartoons from Malaysia and Singapore from 2001-present.
Scare Factor: None.
Music/Sounds: A bombastic fanfare.
Availability: Common. Seen onhome releases of children's cartoons from Malaysia and Singapore from 2001-present.
Scare Factor: None.