Ho Guom Audio Video (Vietnam)

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Background: Hồ Gươm Audio Video is a company located in Hanoi, Vietnam. Their name comes from the Hoàn Kiếm Lake, mostly shortened to Hồ Gươm, which is ubicated on the company's city.


: "The Turtle Tower", "Vietnamese Firework Logo", "Spinning Turtle Tower"
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Logo: On videos of fireworks shooting in night skies, we see a CGI version of the Turtle Tower (the temple that's on the center of the Hoàn Kiếm Lake) zooming in while spinning. 1 second after it stops zooming, the words "HOGUOM AUDIO VIDEO", in yellow with a blue border, type in below it while spinning. That text stops spinning for some seconds and zooms to place less closer to the temple. Meanwhile, "HA NOI", on a green/blue gradient color with yellow borders, appears spinning on the temple and then places below "HOGUOM AUDIO VIDEO". A lens flare appears moving from left to right on the bottom of the screen, while the tower "grows".

FX/SFX: CGI animation.

Music/Sounds: A calming bell theme.

Availability: Seen on video releases made by the company.

Editor's Note: None.