Hoang Gia Media Group (Vietnam)

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1st Logo

Hoanggia MediaLogo: A white light appears from the bottom-right corner of the screen and stops near the top, leaving a yellow mark, and a green brain flashes at the left of it. The light disappears and the green head appears, so the brain is inside of it. The face turns to the other side and a light beam appears and squishes the face so "hoanggiamedia" is formed. The light beam dims off and the logo zooms in, white the slogan, "Ket noi thang toi tiem thuc" (Directly connected to the real potential), in a metallic style, zooms out below it. The company's URL (maybe their old one; next logo has it changed) fades in at the bottom.

FX/SFX: The lights, the flash of the brain, the head turning, the squishing, the logo forming, and the zooming out of the slogan. All CGI.

Music/Sounds: A gong hit. Over it a swoosh, an electric sound and the announcer saying the something and the slogan are also heard.

Availability: Rare, it has been seen on DVDs and TV broadcasts.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Nicknames: "The Cube H", "The Sun Attacks"

Hoanggia Media Group
Logo: We zoom into space, and see some planets, including Earth. Yellow particles start to emerge as the background changes to a starry field. The particles then transform into the Yin Yang symbol, which zooms out and spins, along with some trigrams surrounding it. "thuận theo từ nhiên" (Vietnamese for "with the flow") fades in subtitle-style as this scene plays. We fade to see the Earth and Mars, and we zoom back to see the Sun, as the subtitle fades out. After another fade, we see a close-up of that Sun, and a dragon head-shaped blast of fire comes out of it and collides with the Earth (the subtitle fades in again). The crash makes up a cloud of smoke, which then takes over the screen and a blue, cube-shaped H (with horizontal red stripes in the middle of it) zooms in, spins, and stops zooming. There's another fade and we see a gray floor, with the words "hoanggiaMEDIA GROUP" above it, with a shadow below. The company's URL is seen below. The same H from before falls down above the text, and the floor fades out.

FX/SFX: There's lots of animation in this logo.

Music/Sounds: A triumphant fanfare, and after the collision, it changes to a more dramatic one. Whooshes are heard throughout the logo. A "THUD" sound when the H falls down. A male person is saying saying the name and other stuff during the 2nd half of the logo.

Availability: Uncommon, seen on some Vietnamese DVDs and TV broadcasts from them.

Editor's Note:None.