JH Films

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JH Films

1st Logo (1998-2001)

Nicknames: "J-H", "The Film", "Jared Hunter was born"

Logo: On a watery background, we see a film scrooling & zooms in "J-H" while it stops then it fades "JH Films". When it fades "JH Films", it fades the byline "A Boring Productions Company".

SFX: Film scrools, J-H zooms, while fades "JH Films" then it fades "A Boring Productions Company"

Music: Filmreel sound

Cheesy Factor: The J-H is rainbow.

Avalibility: Seen on the early episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants in Nickelodeon.

Scare Factor: The background is moving.

2nd Logo (2002-2004)

Nicknames: "Old Windows Logo in Backwards", Windows 98 Screw Up"

Logo: On a cloudy background, we see an old Windows logo used 1992-1999 zooming in then it flips while the text fade in:

SFX: The old logo of Windows is zooming in, then the old WIndows logo flipped to horizontal while it fades "HUNTERfilms".

Music: A screwed up version of the Windows 98 start-up sound.

Avalibility: Seen on a TV movie "SpongeBob vs. The Crimson Chin" in Nickelodeon & Cartoon Network's TV show "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy".

Scare Factor: Scary animation

Cheesy Factor: The old Windows logo in forwards turns into the old Windows logo in backwards.

3rd Logo (2004-2005)

Nicknames: "Esso to JH Films", "The Dirty Esso Logo"

Logo: On an early grey background, we see an Esso logo morphs into a text:
JH Films

SFX: The Esso logo morphs into a text "JH Films".

Music: Men saying a short version sing "E-S-S-O Makes your car gooooo!", "Makes your car gooooo! while the Esso logo morphs into a JH Films text, "WHAT THE???".

Avalibility: Seen on the 3rd season episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants.

Scare Factor: Esso morphs into JH Films logo has a early weird look.

Cheesy Factor: The JH Films text has the same font as the 2nd Esso logo.

4th Logo (2005-2006)

Nicknames: "Leo's Circus", "Leo & the Circus Stuff"

Logo: On a dark sky blue background, we see a kid named Leo & his circus & his stuff on Leo a plate on a stick landed on the nose, a nose horn, & wearing a clown suit.

SFX: The plate on a stick spinning, a handing honking on a horn, Leo moves.

Music: Leo saying "WAHOOOOO!".

Avalibility: Seen on the 4th season episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants.

Scare Factor: None

Cheesy Factor: The circus has the text "Jared Hunter Films".

5th Logo (2007-)

Nicknames: "Purple JH", "JH & the Stars

Logo: On a black background, we see a purple JH & the stars flashing while the text preforms:
Jared Hunter ProductionsJH Logo

SFX: None, but the stars flashing at the purple JH.

Music: Same as the 1989 Connecticut Public Television logo.

Avalibility: Seen on the 5th season episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants.

Scare Factor: None

Cheesy Factor: The J connects to the H, the text "Jared Hunter Productions" has the Ferrari font.