Jackbox Games

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Background: Jackbox Games is the video-game division of the multimedia company Jellyvision. Originally formed in the 1990s as Jellyvision Games, it was renamed to its current insignia in 2008.

Jellyvision Games


Nicknames: Jellyvision Box, White Box

Logo: On a black background, a white square-type shape fades in, and black text saying "Jellyvision"
in a cursive font, appears letter by letter. After all the text is shown, the logo moves away.

FX/SFX: The fade-in, text animation, and fading out

Music/Sounds: A jazzy tune, and a door closing sound effect when the logo goes away.

Availability: Only seen on You Don't Know Jack Volume 1 and Volume 1 XL.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Nicknames: Jellyvision Box II, Purple Box

Logo: Essentially the same as the 1st logo, except the box is purple, and the text is white.

FX/SFX: Same from 1st logo.

Music/Sounds: Same from 1st logo.

Availability: Common. Seen on You Don't Know Jack Vol. 2, You Don't Know Jack Vol. 3,
You Don't Know Jack Movies, You Don't Know Jack Television, You Don't Know Jack Sports,
You Don't Know Jack Offline, You Don't Know Jack Louder! Faster! Funnier!, You Don't Know
Jack (PS1).

3rd Logo

Nicknames: Jellyvision Box III, Purple Box II, Futuristic Purple Box

Logo: The purple box from the last logo appears, only more 3D looking. Then, the Jellyvision
text from the last two logos goes on top of the box. After a few seconds, the whole logo
shifts back, revealing a yellow-black border. Then, the logo splits in half, revealing a white
background, transitioning to the "PLEASE STAND BY" menu screen which shows up in every
YDKJ game.

FX/SFX: The fade in, the Jellyvision text coming in, and the logo disappearing.

Music/Sounds: The same jazzy tune from the last 2 logos, only instead of a door closing,
a futuristic whoosh and conveyor belt noise.

Availability: Uncommon. Only seen on You Don't Know Jack: 5th Dementia.

4th Logo

Nicknames: Jellyvision Box IV, Purple Box III, Crazy Tunnel of Doom

Logo: We start out on a white background. Then, a black hexagon quickly zooms in to the
screen, filling it up. We are going through some sort of tunnel. After zooming through
the tunnel for a few seconds, we see the Sierra logo. We then zoom through some more,
until the Starsphere Interactive logo comes on screen. We zoom through again, and see
the familiar Jellyvision logo. We zoom through the portal some more until we reach a
gray wall, to then the screen goes black.

FX/SFX: The hexagon, the logos, and the 3D zooming.

Music/Sounds: A bunch of futuristic sounds, coupled with quiet drum noises. When we reach
the gray wall, we can hear a glass breaking noise.

Availability: Only seen on You Don't Know Jack: Mock 2 (PS1)

5th Logo

Nicknames: Jellyvision Box V, Purple Box IV, Bouncy Box

Logo: Once again, we start on a black background. Suddenly, the purple Jellyvision box
appears, except with a different look (it looks like a purple speech bubble.) The purple
box bounces around in rhythm to the music, and the Jellyvision text appears letter
by letter also in rhythm. Once all the text appears, the box dances closer to the screen,
and a white outline surrounds it. The logo zooms out afterwards.

FX/SFX: The box appearing, dancing, the Jellyvision text, and the zoom out.

Music/Sounds: We start out with a door opening sound effect, then the jazzy tune from
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd logos plays, and a camera shutter sound can be heard when the text
starts appearing. The same door closing sound from the other logos can be heard when
the logo ends.

Availability: Only seen on You Don't Know Jack Vol. 6: The Lost Gold.

6th Logo:

Nicknames: Jellyvision Box VI, Purple Box V, The Stars Align For Jellyvision

Logo: We fade in on a purple background with white stars scattered around it. The stars
move to form the shape of the Jellyvision speech box, and lines connect the stars. When
the logo shape is formed, the Jellyvision logo box flashes in. The logo then flips backwards,
then zooms away, like a spaceship.

FX/SFX: The stars aligning, the Jellyvision logo appearing, and the zooming out of the logo.

Music/Sounds: A dramatic theme, with notes playing when the stars connect.

Availability: Only seen on the Flash version of You Don't Know Jack, which was defunct
in 2008.

7th Logo

Nicknames: Jellyvision Box VII, Purple Box VI, Bouncy Box II

Logo: Very similar to the 5th logo, except the logo plays straight away, and the byline text
"GAMES" appears after the logo is finished animating.

FX/SFX: The box bouncing, the text, and the exit effect.
Music/Sounds: A bouncy happy tune (that fits the logo better than the jazzy tune.
When the logo goes away, a fart sound effect can be heard.

Availability: Only seen on You Don't Know Jack (2011) and it's trailer.


Jackbox Games

1st Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head, Jack Guy, Mail Yourself

Logo: We fade in to a black background with a blue X sitting in the middle. We then see a
brown cardboard box with FRAGILE labels all over it. It nudges halfway to the X, then
lands on it. The box shakes a little, before opening, revealing the You Don't Know Jack
mascot inside. He looks at us with one eyebrow raised, and blue text reading
fades in. The text pixelates to the jingle. The logo fades out after the jingle ends.

FX/SFX: The 3D box animation, and the text.

Music/Sounds: When the box is nudging towards the X, we can hear dramatic music stings.
When the box is shaking, we hear a crashing noise, a duck quacking, and a guy grunting.
Another dramatic music sting plays when the Jack guy pops up. and in an autotuned voice,
we can hear "JACK BOX GAMES" be sung. There is also an orchestral chord playing once the
guy pops out.

Availability: Common. Seen on Fibbage (standalone), Fibbage XL (standalone), and Quiplash
(standalone). It also appeared on the Ouya version of You Don't Know Jack.

2nd Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head II, Jackbox In A Closet.

Logo: A light turns on, revealing a blue X laying in a white wooden room. Then, the animation
from the last logo plays. The room goes a bit dark when the "Jackbox Games" text appears
and the text is in white instead of blue. The camera then pans to the left, revealing the menu
for The Jackbox Party Pack.

FX/SFX: The animation, light turning on, and text.

Music/Sounds: A light turning on sound effect, and the same music stings and box noises
from the last logo. Also, a "woop" sound can be heard when the camera pans.

Availability: Only seen on The Jackbox Party Pack.

3rd Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head III, Jackbox In A Closet II.

Logo: Very similar to the last logo, except no light turning on, and no blue X.
When the Jackbox head pops out, 4/5 of the games from The Jackbox Party Pack 2
appear in this order:Fibbage 2, Bidiots, Bomb Corp, Earwax.The white text comes in,
and at the last second,the head is crushed by Quiplash XL, another game in this Party Pack.

FX/SFX: The animation, text, games appearing, and the crushing effect.
Music/Sounds: The same dramatic stings from the last logos, except the strings are lower in
key, and the same box noises from the last logos. Thud sounds can be heard once the games
come down, and a fart sound is heard when the box is crushed.

Availability: Only seen on The Jackbox Party Pack 2.

4th Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head III, Hand Drawn Jackbox

Logo: The same logo as the 1st one, except it takes place on a white background, and the
whole thing is in hand drawn style. The camera pans down after the logo ends.

FX/SFX: The drawn effect of the animation, the text, and the camera panning.
Music/Sounds: The same stuff as the 1st JBG logo, but a whistling sound once the camera

Availability: Seen only on Drawful 2.

5th Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head IV: Jackbox In An Insane Asylum

Logo: A light turns on, revealing an insane asylum type room. There is a drawn X on the floor.
The Jackbox box is thrown in, in contrast to the previous logos where it is nudged in.
The box shakes as usual, and the head pops out. After the animation plays, the camera
speeds over to the menu for The Jackbox Party Pack 3.

FX/SFX: The animation, light turning on, text, and the camera panning.

Music/Sounds: The lightswitch sound effect, the thud of the box, the same box noises
from previous logos, and the same voice from the last logos. A cartoon speeding effect
can be heard when the camera pans.

Availability: Only seen on The Jackbox Party Pack 3.

6th Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head V, Jackbox In A Closet.

Logo: We fade into what appears to be a closet. There are dust particles flying everywhere
(similar to the Horror Factory logo), and the box is sitting on a carpet. The camera pans
to the box from the front view, and after the box shakes a little, the guy comes out.
The familiar "jackbox games" text appears and pixelates to the jingle. Once it's finished
animating, the logo fades out.

FX/SFX: The dust particles, animation, and text.

Music/Sounds: At the beginning, a music box version of the Jackbox Games jingle plays
twice. When the box jiggles, a different grunt can be heard, and the same music sting and
jingle from the last logos play.

Availability: Only seen on The Jackbox Party Pack 4.

7th Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head VI, Jackbox In SPAAAAACE!

Logo: We start in space, with a far away view of Earth. All of a sudden, the earth explodes,
and a box flies out. After passing by a few planets, it comes to a screeching halt, and the
Jackbox head is revealed, only this time he is wearing a pink astronaut helmet. The jackbox
games text appears, and once the jingle is finished, a You Don't Know Jack visor switches on,
and the head flies away, leaving the box to fly away downwards, and a bunch of silver
packing peanuts come out of the box. Also, when the box flies away, a disc reading
"THE LOST GOLD" can be seen,

FX/SFX: The animation, text, and box flying away.

Music/Sounds: An exploding sound effect, and then a dramatic chorus. A screeching sound
can be heard when the box stops, and the familiar sting jingle plays. A futuristic click
can be heard when the visor appears, and a futuristic flying away noise can be heard when
the box flies away.

Availability: Only seen on The Jackbox Party Pack 5.

8th Logo

Nicknames: Jackbox Head VII, Jackbox In The Bathroom

Logo: We open on a bath filled with mist and a pink tile wall, a Trivia Murder Party 2 lotion sitting on the side of the bath. The familiar Jackbox box is on the side without the head inside it. We then fade to a shot of the head bathing in what appears to be black ink. He raises one eye brow like usual and then ducks under the liquid. Afterwards, we fade to the black liquid bubbling as the familiar text appears, but the head is nowhere in sight until a minimalist box fades in and a minimalist head comes out of it.

  • The liquid looks like the lotion that Trivia Murder Party 2 is represented by in the pack it appears in.
  • The male singer here is singing in Italian; the lyrics roughly translate in English to "It's time to play Party Pack Version 6".

FX/SFX: The liquid, the mist, and the head.

Variants: Unlike other Jackbox logos, this one also appears inTrivia Murder Party 2, one of the featured games in this pack. In that game, two halves of the box move separated into one and then the familiar minimalist design flashes in orange, with "Jackbox pictures presents" under it, but there's a sun-like object behind the head and then we fade into the intro for said game. This variant is also low quality and has a trail. This was also seen on the Trivia Murder Party 2 trailer, except the sun-like object draws itself in and there is no trail. In this variant, the text reads "Jackbox getaways".

Music/Sounds: A male opera singer singing "E tempo, di giocare pacchetto festa sei" with a violin and a harp accompanying it. When the head ducks under, a bass drop plays, followed by the sting fading in with the singing continuing in the background. On Trivia Murder Party 2, an electronic jingle plays, and after it ends, the opening music for the game comes in, along with the sounds in the intro.

Availability: Only seen onT he Jackbox Party Pack 6andTrivia Murder Party 2which is inside said pack.