Just Singer Entertainment

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Written by EnormousRat

: This company was formed by Sheri Singer and Steve White and was originally formed as Singer/White Entertainment. When Steve White left the company, the company name was changed to the tongue-in-cheek Just Singer Entertainment. It is known mainly for producing the Halloweentown quadrilogy for Disney Channel.

1st Logo
(April 5- October 17, 1998)Singer White Entertainment (1999)

Logo: On a gradient white background, we see SINGER WHITE in red, casting a shadow. There is a white star between the two words, and entertainment is seen below.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the movie.

Availability: Seen on Tempting Fate and Halloweentown.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(March 4, 2001-)Just Singer Entertainment (2001)

Logo: On a starry black/red background with a blue crescent at the bottom, a meteor shoots and becomes a white CGI star. The star is in between the words "JUST SINGER", with "entertainment" below it.

FX/SFX: The star shooting.

Music/Sounds: Same as the previous logo.

Availability: Can be found on TV movies like Halloweentown II, Halloweentown High and Return to Halloweentown.

Editor's Note: None.