Kid Pics
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Logo descriptions by Kobepedia
Videos courtesy of Tommy Day
Videos courtesy of Tommy Day
Background: Kid Pics was a division of Amvest Video, a "fly by night" public domain video company. The company is mostly known for their infamous host, The Happy Hamster, who is seen by many as creepy. It has been said one of the tapes had remains of a porno on it, due to the fact Kid Pics used second-hand tapes for footage (the source of that saying is unknown). Amvest went under around 1990.
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="206" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="249" wmode="transparent"/>
Music/Sounds: An merry-go-round like jingle.
Availability: Extremely Rare.
Editor's Note: None.

Logo: It is simply the Kid Pics logo on a white background with a yellow glow around it.
FX/SFX: Just a fade in and out.
FX/SFX: Just a fade in and out.
Music/Sounds: An merry-go-round like jingle.
Availability: Extremely Rare.
Editor's Note: None.