Knockout Video Film Distributors (UK)

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Logo descriptions by naxe-olé and MegaAveron25
Video capture courtesy of czar7474


<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="212" src="" width="377"></iframe>
Nicknames (for Later Variant): "One Of The Rarest And Cheapest Logos Ever For VHS", "Chemical Reaction: KMnO4 + NaOH ----> Knockout Video", "Chemical Chameleon"

Logo: On a black background, we see these words in a computerized font:


Later Variant: Later on, the black background would be replaced with a rainbow background, equal signs would be added above and below the logo, and "PRESENTS" would be replaced with "PRESENTATION".

FX/SFX: None.

: None.

Availability: Seen on many pre-cert releases from the company, as many of them are considered as video nasties due to their very obscene films they distributed on their videocassettes such as Flesh Eaters.

Editor's Note: None.