Lion Base Intl. Ltd. (Nigeria)
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Logo description and captures by SnowflakesOmega
<iframe frameborder="0" height="207" src="" width="368"></iframe>Nicknames: "Lion Bass", "Nigeria's Answer to MGM", "The Robotic Lion"
Logo: Over a stock purple background, a filmstrip marquee (similar to the MGM logo) zooms out and has a video of a lion roaring at a sunny rural area inside the circle. Once the lion roars, flashing text comes out of its mouth and morphs into a circle, reading "Lion Base Intl. Ltd.". The text then stretches over the circle of the marquee and the video fades into another view of the same lion roaring. The logo stops zooming once everything is complete.
FX/SFX: The zoom-out, the stretching text.
Music/Sounds: Footage of nature recordings with an instrument note at the beginning and some distorted lion roars (possibly due to terrible audio quality).
Availability: Seen on various Nigerian movies, for example Heart on Fire.
Editor's Note: This logo is infamous for being an MGM rip-off and the distorted audio.

Logo: Over a stock purple background, a filmstrip marquee (similar to the MGM logo) zooms out and has a video of a lion roaring at a sunny rural area inside the circle. Once the lion roars, flashing text comes out of its mouth and morphs into a circle, reading "Lion Base Intl. Ltd.". The text then stretches over the circle of the marquee and the video fades into another view of the same lion roaring. The logo stops zooming once everything is complete.
FX/SFX: The zoom-out, the stretching text.
Music/Sounds: Footage of nature recordings with an instrument note at the beginning and some distorted lion roars (possibly due to terrible audio quality).
Availability: Seen on various Nigerian movies, for example Heart on Fire.
Editor's Note: This logo is infamous for being an MGM rip-off and the distorted audio.